27.Breaking free

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I'm growing fond of this story so much that I already have the other chapters ready in my head and ready to be read by you. I know I said I would update on the 5th, but I couldn't wait for that day. Anyways I hope you guys like this chapter. Sorry it's a short chapter...

P.S. have tissues ready because it's about to happen


Have you ever had a feeling of something missing from your life that you're used to doing? That one thing constantly bugging you in your head and your mind telling you to go back. My mind needs it, but I don't. I want that spine tingly feeling of the razor going through my skin taking the pain away. Would this make me feel happy? Yes, but maybe not other people. Feeling like I have no control over my body, I started walking inside my bathroom scanning for the one thing I needed: My razor

Scrambling and searching through my things I finally found it and savored its presence. What's wrong with me this shouldn't be happening. Why does it have to be now? Am I finally Breaking Free?

Oh but it is my sweet sweet Lizzy.

My head's playing games with me, I cant do this I'm happy. Looking at the freshly clean razor I needed this so much.

"You wont be clean anymore..." I mumbled to myself positioning the razor on my arm and getting ready to feel the cold blade slash away the pain.

"Lizzy come on already we're leaving for the Groceries" Uncle Zayn's voice came inside my mind and I forgot we were going somewhere today. Looking around my bathroom frantically I shut the door and locked it, so he wouldn't walk it. Being the stupid person I am, I had a dog who knew my every move. Whenever I go to the bathroom Milo has to be there, but right now he's right outside my door pawing at it wanting me to open it.

"Go away Milo I'm fine- AGHH!" I screamed feeling the blade starting to slit through my skin, finally feeling at peace with myself.

"LIZZY? Are you okay?" Uncle Zayn frantically said hearing his footsteps getting louder and louder. Shoot, I shouldn't have said a thing.

"Yes Uncle Zayn I just dropped my phone on my toe" Lies. All lies I said to myself

"Well okay but hurry up Perrie's waiting outside with Prada and Hatchi" Uncle Zayn walking away from my door. A sigh of relief flooded the room still looking down at my arm I was okay.

Five deep cuts presentable on my arm bleeding freely made me feel calm. Uncle Zayn didn't deserve to take care of a delusional person like me. He doesn't deserve to feel guilty or bad whenever he sees me cry. This isn't all his fault, he doesn't deserve any of this. Thinking of ways to make him feel happy and me out of the way, I finally thought of something...and I think I'm ready to do it.

In only a matter of minutes I can be in a sweet calmly place I like to call, Serenity. Making my way towards the bathtub, I turned the water on and blocked the drain so I can create a pool of water. Turning around to stare at myself, a feeling of disgust washed over me. My hair looks dead like my heart, my eyes lost their nice glow of happiness now with a blank look and my skin as pale as a ghost. This is what people were looking at? This is what people were calling beautiful? I cant even look at myself in the mirror without wanting to throw up.

It's finally time...

Taking every piece of clothing I had on now naked, I took a step in the water and remembered: This is for everyone I love and used to love. The enemies who finally won the battle they been wanting to win, and for the people who wanted to break me, well congratulations because I'm finally broken.

Grabbing the razor, I did a few more slits here and there on my arm seeing the blood dripping off my arm and into the water. Satisfied with everything I went in the water and just layed there, my head a few inches on the water moving slowly and slowly inside. Saying my last goodbyes to everything I had and received all my years. Sinking further and further into the water, I counted down from 10 to finally come came to Serenity.


I dropped my head in the water



Deeper and deeper I felt the air leaving out of my body




Smiling to myself I know I'm finally happy


I'm sorry Uncle Zayn and Aunt Perrie for giving up on my life, I'm sorry Uncle Liam, Louis and Niall for giving up on the future that was ahead of me.


I'm finally breaking free


My whole body turns unconscious and I finally entered Serenity

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