32. Happy Birthday Elizabeth

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I'm back again! Sorry for the slow update, but thank you so much for the 50,000 reads. Can we get this book up to 100,000? Picture of Harry with Lizzy when he first saw her>>>


" Happy Birthday Lizzybear! We love you! Blow the cake Lizzy come on now you can do it! One, Two Three blow! YAY!"

Everyone cheered for the little 10 year old who had the proudest gap smile she can show to everyone she knew. Her dad and Amelia, Uncle Zayn, Louis, Liam and Niall with their girlfriends. Grandma Anne and Grandpa Robin Aunt Gemma and Uncle Jake waving at her from afar with their cameras focused on her, the birthday girl.

" What did you wish for daddy?" The little girl asked tugging at her daddy's pantleg. Catching his attention, he scooped her up from the ground like it was nothing and held her around his hips.

"What do you mean what did I wish for? You we're supposed to wish for something Lizzy not me" Her dad laughed making her confused.

"No, I cant make another wish if my wish already came true daddy" She explained folding her arms around her chest. He noticed she was serious about this topic, so he knew he had to answer her question.

"Oh is that so? If I tell you my wish will you tell me yours?" Right now the camera focuses on the two having their conversation. Even thought her other family members weren't shown in the video they were listening to the wise words of the 10 year old girl.

"Yes, but don't make this up daddy okay?" She asked lifting up her pinky in front of him to see as he also hooked his pinky and saying 'pinky promise'

"Well okay then, my wish was to make sure my little girl stays as my little girl, no matter how old you are you're still my princess right? If we ever have problems we can solve it out so at the end we're all happy and I will promise that no one will make you sad." He said giving the little girl a kiss on the forehead to seal the deal.

"Okay now what's yours princess?" He asked again to the girl who had the widest smile ever showing her gaps where her two front teeth should be.

"My wish was to get a lifetime supply of fruit punch, but ALSO I wished that my daddy's happy even if mommy isn't here." She said still smiling "Oh wait and that Uncle Zayn can finally get me my nickel he promised me a long time ago" She quickly added getting a bunch of laughs and giggles from her family. By now, the camera was focused on all of them together sitting around the living room opening her presents.

"Whenever you're ready Lizzy grab one and go crazy, but you have to show before you put it away" Her dad explained making the little one go wild and grabbed the first box. This box was a big one with pink wrapping paper and a golden ribbon on top which caught her attention.

"This one is from....UNCLE LOU AND AUNT ELLIE!" She shouted unwrapping the box as quickly as possible and her whole body froze. She never knew she would get this gift, the gift she's been asking for a long time.

"LOOK! I GOT THE PRINCESS DRESS THAT I SAW IN THE MALL DADDY! NOW WE CAN PLAY TEA PARTIES!" She was happy with this gift. There were so many more gifts that she went through, mostly dresses and accessories. She looked around for more, but there was no more.

"Daddy, there's no more" She was upset, she shouldn't have rushed to open all those gifts at once. Her dad noticed her mood change, so he grabbed the little girl off her feet so there we're face-to-face.

"You're not done, you still have my gift to open remember?" He asked the little girl who forgot her dad never gave her a gift yet.

"Daddy! you did give me a gift?" She asked feeling the tears starting to surface.

"No I did, Amelia can you grab both of them for me?" He asked his girlfriend who knew what he was talking about. Knowing Lizzy she was a very impatient little girl, she had her face scrunched up into a frown when a minute passed.

"Daddddy! when is Amelia coming with my pre- PUPPY!" She screamed with excitement wiggling out of her dads grasp and ran towards the dog who was ready to pounce on Lizzy and lick her all over.

"He's so cute, I'm going to name you.... MILO! I LOVE YOU MILO ALWAYS AND FOREVER!" She said holding the puppy in her arms making the puppy lick her face.

"Now hold on Lizzy, I have one more present for you close your eyes" He said grabbing the little box from Amelia and kneeling down to Lizzy's height.

"Okay now open your eyes" He said opening the box in front of her eyes to reveal a small diamond necklace that has a heart locket. Lizzy was so happy to see the necklace that she asked her dad to put it on her quickly.

Looking at the necklace closely, you can see writing in the heart, it read 'Daddy's Princess forever and Always' with a picture of Lizzy and Harry together when he first held her in his arms.

"Daddy I love you this much!" She screamed making her arms wide enough to show him how much she loves him.

"Oh really? Well I love you THIIIS MUCH!" He opened his arms and wrapped Lizzy in his arms causing her to have a giggle fit.

"Hey! no fair you have ginormouse arms!" She said even if she said ginormous wrong it was still cute.

"This was the best birthday ever! I love you daddy!"

And with that the tape cut off and everyone was faced with a black tv screen and the sound of sniffling going around the room. But one person wasn't crying or tearing up from the video, and it was Lizzy.

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