15. Getting ready

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(A/n: Hey guys, I'm sorry i've been lacking on updates with this story but I promise I'll be updating regularly once my wifi is permanently stable and it wont mess shit up)


We were all at home busy packing out suitcases for Florida and we;re leaving in an hour. Yes, you heard me right AN HOUR. That means locking up every window and door in case you know people would steal some stuff AND packing Liz' stuff and re-arrange her outfits and stuff. 

Everything is just a complete mess and in an HOUR, well enough wasting time,back to the story

So, here I am in my room packing my suitcase while Lizzy is packing hers too, well not exactly. 

All she does is grabs random clothing and throws it in her pink suitcase and just walks away form me to fold her clothes. 

"Dada.." Lizzy said coming back inside the room with a little white piece of paper in her chubby hands.

"Where did you get this Lizzy?" I asked her grabbing the white piece of paper from her grasp.She only nodded and grabbed my hand as we went down the stairs and stood right in front of the entrane door and pointed towards the mail slot. 

"Hmm, so this is where you found it huh, well call your uncles Lizzy" I said to her as she ran out of the hallway. 

Hmm. I wonder who brought th- AHHHHHHHHHHHH

"Holy Chicken Fillet"

"Lizzy I'm coming"


"My baby" 

"What was that?" I said running towards the screaming little girl on the floor just staring at the ceiling. 

"Lizzy are you okay?" I said walking towards her but was interrupted by four figures pushing me to the floor. 

"Lads, what the heck?" I said pushing them off of me. I can see each of them holding an object in their hands and looking around the room. Louis had his phone, Niall had his boxers, Liam had a bat, and Zayn had a pocket knife. 

"Sorry Harry thought you were a kidnapper or something" Zayn said getting himsel off of me and helping me off the floor with a hand. 

"Okay then, now Lizzy what happened?" I asked staring at the little girl still staring at the ceiling but quickly diverted her attention to me once she heard me. 

"Unc here" Lizzy said pointing to the four boys as she clapped her hands together as an accomplishment. 

At first I was confused but then I remembered that I told Lizzy to call her uncles downstairs. Smart way

"OH, well umm funny story, I told Lizzy to call you guys downstairs because of something and I guess this was her way of calling you guys, which worked" I said picking up Lizzy from the floor and getting her coat and shoes

"Now, come on we need to go now our plane leaves in 30 minutes and Paul's coming here in- *RING* now" I said running towards the door facing a lumpy Paul.

"Hey Paul, we're just gonna bring our stuff right now can you watch Lizzy for a minute?" I asked giving him Lizzy who was fascinated with the little puffs on her coat


"Thanks Paul" I said running upstairs and into my room, grabbed the two suitcases and my phone and I came back downstairs where the rest of the guys are with everything they needed. 

"So we're good?" Paul said carrying Lizzy who has a spoon filled with Nutella. Jesus she eats all the time. 

"Yep. LET'S GO!" Louis shouted running outside with us behind him.I still remembered the note in my butt pocket so I opened it up and read it: 

Have fun in Florida, I'll see you on your first show -x

 Oh and tell Lizzy she has a nice braids. 

What the fuck? What kind of anonymous person compliments on a little girls braid. What Zayn said earlier 

"Duuuuude, this is such a Pretty Little Liars episode" 

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