67:Hope is all we need

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A/n: I'm sorry if I made anyone cry in my last chapter, but hey we're back in action! Only 13 more chapters of this book and we're on to the sequel!I'm sorry I havent been on, please understand writing this book is a side hobby. Sorry for the wait. Watch out for another update

I woke up from my sleep feeling an ache in my neck, must've been on this damn bed. Rubbing the sleep out of my eye, I looked up to see Elizabeth still in her coma state while listening to the beeping of her monitor. For some reason it gave a sense of relaxation knowing that's she's still okay.

"Kyle?" Turning around from my seat, I saw both of my parents wearing their usual Doctor coats.

"Oh hey Mom...Dad." I smiled waving at them as I stretched out my limbs before standing up.

"I just got a call from your school saying that you werent there, but now I know where you are." Mom laughed coming towards me and giving me a light kiss on the forehead then doing the same to Liz.

"Sorry I guess I overslept, I thought I was only taking a nap but you know me. I'm like a dead rock when I'm asleep." I smiled, averting my attention towards Liz. Still sleeping in this damn bed...

"It's already two in the afternoon, you should probably clean yourself up. Your Uncle Preston is coming up to check up on Liz."

"Alright Mom."

* * * * *

"Hello Kyle, still remember this amazing face?" In came Uncle Preston or Dr. Preston as everyone calls him.

"Of course Uncle Preston, I didnt know Austin knew Liz..." I said watching as Uncle Preston started looking over Liz.

"They've been best friends ever since, but I found out that you two are brother and sisters? Twins to be exact?" He asked, looking at her heart monitor.

"Yeah and I'm glad I have sister like her, but I just wish she woke up so I can say I'm sorry." I said, looking down at her peaceful body. She needs to wake up now, someday...

"Well since everyone's awake and alive, I'm to give you an update on Elizabeth's progress." He smiled, quickly checking up on her heart monitor which was beeping regularly.

"The good new is, there is an improvement in my wounds, her ribs are slowly healing. As for the scars from the glass shards...those are going to leave a bit of a mark, especially the one on her cheek."

"Do you know when she'll be waking up from her state?" I asked

"I'm sorry Kyle, I cant say. It could be days, weeks, or even months." Those were the words I didnt want to hear.

"Oh...well that you anyways for the good news..." I said, standing up from my seat and gave him a warm embrace. Hoping he'd feel my longing of her to wake up.

"She'll wake up soon Kyle...she's a fighter." He whispered, kissing me on top of my head as he politely excused himself from the room. Now, it was just me, Liz, and a sile-

"Kyyyyyyle , Mom and Dad said you gotta carb up before the big rivalry game tonight!!!" Parker barked, parading in his letter man jacket and joggers.

Typical pre-game outfit for this kid.

"Why couldn't you bring it in here?" I asked, holding Liz's hand making sure she gets enough warmth

"Do you want Liz's room to smell like garlic bread and spaghetti?" He asked, "That's what I thought, now come on we need to-Oh! I completely forgot!" He shouted, taking a piece of clothing that was hanging on his shoulder.

"Completely forgot, had this custom made for her." He said, unraveling the a sweater and gently placing it on her chest.

"We...well I got you a custom made sweater so you'll always remember that you're our #1 Baby Sterling." He said, kissing her on the cheek and motioning me to go down to the cafeteria with him.

Five Dads and One Baby || One Direction (MAJOR EDITING)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz