16. That's how we roll in Florida

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(Sorry this isn't much, likely a filer chapter for next week)


As soon as the plane landed, Lizzy started to get rowdy in her seat and it took five pieces of chocolates to calm her down but just for a second. 

"Dada dada dada dada dada dada dada dada dada" Lizzy repeated over and over again, lucky we're riding out private jet to Florida or else we would be scowled at by the flight attendant or even worse, an old lady with false teeth. Euurgh.

"Lizzy quiet now we're here and I need you to be on your best behavior, there's gonna be crazy girls there so hold onto daddy's hand tight okay?" I said to the little girl who was staring off into space and just nodded her head and got a good grip on my hand. 

"Okay boys, now once we get off the jet we go inside and try to go through the front because our car is stuck there, also with thousands of fans surrounding it so take off anything valuable and put it in your bag" Paul instructed as the jet door opened and one by one we all exited out. 

"Dude it's so hot here. For God sakes" Zayn said taking off his jacket and putting it in his carry on

"That's how we roll in Florida" Niall said putting his raybans on

"Niall shut-up you don't even live here, don't act like you do" Liam said shaking his head and started walking away not before he glared at Niall when he said "THat's how we roll in Florida" again earning him a smack in the head. 

"OW! What was that for?" Niall said touching the back of his head where he got hit. 

"Oh I'm sorry but that's how we roll in Florida" Liam said and started walking again. 

"HAHAHAHA. Ne hit" I heard Lizzy laughing about Niall getting hit and she started rubbing her head pretending she got hit

"Lizzy what are you doing?" Louis asked ruffling her hair a bit but stopped when she swatted his hand away and glared at him 

"Lulu NO!" She screamed and pointed at her hair as she fixed it back to normal. Goddammit Zayn 

"Goodjob Zayn now I cant ruffle her hair anymore" Louis said playfully punching Zayn's arm earning another glare

"She learned from the best so bleeeeh" Zayn said sticking his tongue out. 

"Okay boy we're here now I want everyone to surround Lizzy in the middle, security has a pathway for us and sign a few autographs so they can leave" Paul said opening the door as we started walking in the formation we were told to be in. 

Once we came out the first thing you get shot with is the impact of the screaming fans, Jesus it feels like a concert or some sort. All the boys started walking and signing autographs for the fans. 






All the shouted was starting to get annoying to me but I ignored it and kept signing stuff until Paul gave us the signal to get in the car before it gets out of hand. 

One by one we ran inside the car panting and sweating surrounded by fans banging on the windows and blocking the way, but soon after security helped us move the fans away giving us a path and we flee the scene. 

After everything was calm, cool, and collected. Paul wanted us to do a head count

"Zayn?" "Here"

"Niall?" "Oii"

"Harry?" "Here" 

"Louis?" "Meep"

"Liam, of course you're here" 

"Lizzy?" No reply

"Lizzy?" Still no reply. Then realization hit me, Lizzy isnt in the car with us

"STOP THE CAR NOW!" After that the car came to a halt 

"Harry what's wrong, where's Lizzy?" Paul asked looking around the car. 

"S-she's not h-here Paul, PAUL MY DAUGHTER'S NOT HERE WITH ME!" I didn't realize my whole body was shaking and tears were streaming down my face. 

Around the whole car, I could see the boys' face turn pale but Zayn had his hands clenched into fists

"BRING US. BACK. NOW" Zayn shouted and just in seconds the driver took a massive U-turn

"Harry when was the last time you saw her" Paul asked on the phone, probably with the airport security

"I remembered I looked at her every second when I was autographing pictures then-" When I was taking I noticed something on my wrist: dried blood?

"Guys look at my wrist" I said showing the five guys my wrist

"Harry she couldn't have walked away from you, someone had to grab her from you from those scratches on your wrist, she was trying to hold on to you before they took her" Liam said giving me a sad expression. Everyone was quiet for a while, once realization hit me

"Someone took MY daughter" 

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