10. The feeling of saying goodbye

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White. White was all I can see, doctors and nurses rushing back and forth with patients almost loosing their lives.

My life isnt going to be the same if she's gone. Why a I even saying this? she will live and Julia will be gone in my life...again. 

Here I am sitting on the most uncomfortable seat in the waiting room with the boys and girls, also my mum and sister. We had to end the party early but the guest are still at our house waiting for an update. My mind was interrupted by a tap on the shoulder, I looked up from my hands and saw Louis with a sympathetic look plastered on his face. 

"Cheer up Harry, Lizzy would'nt want you to be sad, she wants you to stay strong.....for her and everyone here" He said gently rubbing circles behind my back to calm me down which helped. 

"Thanks Lou and I'm trying to stay strong for her but w-what if she doesn't-"


I let all of my emotions that were built up inside me escape, everything that happened today is coming out of me. 

"Hey...hey it's okay look if Lizzy is okay, we'll go for ice cream" Louis said trying to make me laugh which worked but stopped once the emergency room door opened up revealing a tall man with gray hair under a hat net with gloves and everything else that makes him look like a doctor. 

I was the first to react, then the others. As I was approaching the man, his scrubs had something that I also had, blood, but not just any blood...my Lizzys' blood. 

"Are you all here for Elizabeth Styles?" The doctor asked as we all nodded in unison. 

"Is the father in the house, um Mr. Harry Styles?" The doctor asked again. I raised my hand and we both talked outside the room. 

"So how is she doctor?" I asked nervous about what he might say

"Well, there's bad news. The bad news is, she lost too much blood Mr. Styles and the knife punctured her lungs and internal organs causing her breathing to stop, we did all we can but...

"But what?"

"I'm sorry to say that Elizabeth Styles didn't make it. If you want to visit her she'll be in a private room in 10 minu-"

"NO WHAT ARE YOU SAYING?" Anger soon came onto me and I was flipping out uncontrollably 

"I'm sorry but-

"SHE CANT BE GONE DOCTOR! SHE'S MY PRINCESS, SHE CANT!" I punched the wall causing a dent and noticed everyone heard my sudden outburst

"Harry! Harry calm down what happened?" Liam,Niall,and Zayn came up to me trying to calm down. 

I looked up to them with tears strained eyes and their emotions soon softened...they knew what happened. 

"That couldnt be Harry....THAT CANT HAPPEN!!" Zayn was the first to react. 

"I'm afraid it's true lads, she's actually gone" Louis said coming towards us with my mom and sister in his arms, limp and tears streaming down their faces

"It's all my fault, IT'S ALL MY FAULT SHES GONE! I SHOULD HAVE DIED!" I screamed running towards the room the Doctor said Lizzy would be in. Ignoring the shouting and footsteps following me,I found the room and opened the door and just frozed right at the spot. 

There she was, my baby, my princess, my everything lying on the bed pale, lifeless, and it was al my fault. I wanted to go to her but my feet didnt move, I noticed there were nurses and doctors in here too. I just kept looking at her until I overheard the nurse looking at her watch. 

Elizabeth Anne Philip Styles, June 10, 2013, 11:11 and just turned two, Happy Birthday Angel

That's when I died inside.She was actually gone

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