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School. Oh how that 6 lettered word can kill you inside. Who knew you were happy about it the day before and when it's finally here you just want to shoot someone.

"Elizabeth?" Mom's voice was the first thing I heard. What time is it? I just fell asleep.

"Elizabeth?" She repeated again.

"Huh? Yeah?" I said groggily getting up and placing my head on my hands, sleep still in my eyes.

"Sorry to wake you up so early Lizzy." She said

"No no no no!" I said with my eyes still closed "I've been up for hours!" Maybe if I just stayed quiet for just 5 more minutes she'll leave...

"Who is it?" I said immediately sitting up right away with my eyes clear as days.

"It's still me Elizabeth now get ready." Mom said through the door again. "Now get ready"

"Of course...ready for what?" I asked feeling the sleep disappearing from my eyes.

"You have school today." She said again and this time it finally clicked, I had school today and there's no going back.

"School..WHY!" I whined getting up from my comfortable, cozy thing I call my best friend and opened the door.

"Well school here I come-SHIT MILO WHERE DID YOU COME FROM?" As I took one step out of my room I immediately went face first onto the floor.

 "Perrie I found Milo!" Dad shouted from downstairs. "Oh I woke Elizabeth up too."

"You've got to be kidding me.." I grumbled grabbing Milo under me and telling him to go downstairs as I walked inside the bathroom to get ready. I already know this day is going to be one I'll never forget.

* * * *

"Remember what I told you Lizzy." Dad said coming towards the entrance of the school where so many familiar faces started crowding around us.

Great, there goes trying to get into school unnoticed. 

"I know Dad, but I have to go now Michael's waiting for me." I said grabbing my backpack and rushed out of the car before he can protest. As soon as my foot hit the pavement I was surrounded by each student of the school with excited smiles

"Elizabeth you're back I missed you so much!" One girl said trying to get into my view. 

"Umm thanks but I dont know you." I said awkwardly rushing to entrance where Michael said he would be. 

"It's okay we can be friends this year if you want, we can have sleepovers, makeovers, and we can even back some cookies and-"

"Excuse me but she politely said she doesnt know you. So can you please start walking away from her so she can be with her real friends." Michael interrupted giving the girl a glare and walking away from the crowd with me behind him. 

"Thanks Mikey it means so much for you to just stare at the problem for 5 minutes and then help me." I said walking towards a familiar group of people that seemed dazed of my presence and this is why I love them. 

"Umm.. excuse me, but where's Mr.Garcia's World History class?" I asked poking her shoulder repeatedly making sure I was annoying than ever. Everyone in the group noticed me and kept a straight face and tried not to laugh at how easily annoyed she's getting. 

"If you look around and maybe look oh I dont know to your right it's right LIZZY!" She said turning around and when she faced me and immediately dived into a hug. 

"Scar I missed you so much, even you guys too!" I said to my group of friends. 

Ever since i came to this school I easily made friends with Scarlett since we basically had each class together which was a bonus. Then I met Austin who was in my Art class,then Clarissa and Belle in cheer. Yeah yeah I know I take cheer it sounds weird but I was forced. 

"How was the non school life?" Austin asked walking towards me and giving me a hug. 

"Nothing really changed I was still busy with family and stuff you know the usual." I said not really caring about who heard it. They were my friends and all, so they need to know how I was from the 4 months I was gone. 

"Hope everything's okay now." Clarissa said coming up to me and giving me a well deserved hug. 

"Enough about me, how about you guys? School being shit as usual?"I asked leaning my head again Michael's shoulder. 

"Michael and I made the Varsity football team." Austin said proudly fist bumping my boyfriend who had a big smile on his face. 

"Seems like someone didnt tell me about this?" I said giving him a questioning look. 

"Umm...surprise?" He said but it came out more like a question than an answer. 

"Mhmm..." I said facing my back towards him. 

"Well, Scar, Belle, and I endured pain during cheerleading with the girl who automatically placed herself as Captain when you were gone." Clarissa said giving me the 'You know who I'm talking about look' and quite frankly I did know who she was talking about.

Taylor Morgan, the only daughter of the richest and snobbiest couple in the area. Her parents John and Crystal Morgan will only be friends with the rich and more elegant families, hence my family. You dont know how many times they tried to invite themselves into our house just so they can see how rich we really were. We thought they gave up on trying, but it only got worse. Every month we would get a card and 5 plates of chocolate chip cookies in the shape of money signs. 

"Speaking of the Devil.." Belle whispered as she pointed towards the entrance where we all whipped our heads towards the direction of cheap Chanel perfume and foundation.

Taylor Morgan is in our presence ladies and gentlemen.

"Oh my Gosh Lizzykins! I missed you so much!" Her mouse like squeal scared the shit our of as she ran towards me with her heels clicking with every step she took and finally to the hug.

Who in their fucking mind would think of a name Lizzykins? Oh yeah...this one that's hugging the shit out of me.

"Oh I missed you too Taytaykins!" I said with the same enthusiasm as she did, but she only hugged tighter and I could've sworn I heard a bone crack. I could've sworn man.

"We totally need to hang out and go to each others houses so our parents can hang out. Any parent is fine as long as it's the richest one." This is where my temper starts to boil, but I'm not going to say anything about it.

Oh school, why do you bring this person towards my presence? Was it because I forgot to pick up Milo's poo because Dad has that under control I mean it's all over his front tires.

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