28. She calls it 'Serenity'

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I'm back and better than ever, had a few problems here and there. Finals are coming up soon and so is break meaning I can update more and more. Someone messaged me if Five Dads and One Baby would be finished and the answer is no. It's nowhere near done, so much detail and events are happening to this story. This chapter can be predictable, but is it? Next update: December 15, 2013 FILLER CHAPTER


"Come on Lizzy we need to go, Perrie's waiting outside and it's freezing so hurry up" I shouted from down stairs waiting for Lizzy's footsteps to come barging down with Milo behind her, but nothing came out.

"There better be a good reason why you're being later Lizzy" I muttered to myself rushing up the stairs and towards her room where I saw something weird.

Milo pawing the bathroom door urgently, whimpers can be heard escaping from his mouth. Something's wrong if he's doing that while she's in there...I mean what could she be do- No she cant be, she promised.

Rushing towards the door I banged it non stop until she replied or at least opened the door.

"Lizzy, I know you're in there please be strong" I banged and banged on the door so many times I lost count. I know something's wrong and I need to get in there before it's too late.

Thinking of another way, I finally made up my mind and decided to go on with plan B: Knock the door down with all my might.

"I'm coming Lizzy" I said using all my strength to fly the door of their hinges. And it worked, kicking the door I finally managed to see what's been taking so long. Words cant explain what I'm looking at, it's just heartbreaking.

The worst thing to see is a drop of blood from someone you love, but a tub full of blood with the Princess you were meant to save just made your whole world crumble into pieces.

"Lizzy..." I couldn't believe she actually wanted to end it just like that. No matter what she was always strong. Looking at her face now she looks so at peace and that's what she ever wanted her life to be like.

"Zayn Malik I cannot believe you left me waiting outside for so long, my feet are so num- OH MY GOD NO!" Perrie's voice came closer and closer until she saw me cradling her head on my lap, but failing miserably.

"Perrie please help... she cant go..." I sobbed trailing my fingers on Lizzy's cold pale skin.

"Zayn I just called the Ambulance, they said to try to find her pulse on her arms or neck just to make sure. Five minutes tops" Perrie said rushing inside the bathroom and getting a closer look at Lizzy's state.

Getting my fingers to her arms I searched for a pulse and found one, but it was faint and slow. I was about to tell Perrie but I found something else that was unusual.

"Serenity...." I mumbled carefully caressing the cuts one letter at a time. What does Serenity mean? Why did she do this? That's weird...

"Zayn  the ambulance and the boys are here, they're going to have to check her and bring her to the Hospital" Perrie said gesturing me to the two men looking at me and giving me those pity eyes. I bet you they do that to everyone, I don't need no goddamn sympathy or pity.

"If you mess up or do anything to even kill her, you're done" I threatened them both who nodded simultaneously carefully grabbing Lizzy and placing her on the gurney bed things and bringing her up and out of the bathroom just like that.

As we followed them downstairs, I found the boys just staring at me with sadness filling the atmosphere. Great and guess who's here too? Amelia! Woo! Fuck that.

"Hey Zayn how is she?" Niall asked tears in his eyes holding on to Liam for support. We all know that us boys have a soft spot for Lizzy and seeing her going to the Hospital again? Well it just makes us feel worse inside for not being able to protect her.

"She's good I guess, we should go to the Hospital now. She only had a faint pulse so there's a chance she can be good as new." I said trying to lift up the spirits, but you already know who would ruin it.

"Isnt that a good thing though? I mean so many people hate her" The cold hearted Amelia strikes again

"You know what? You're lucky you're a girl or else I would have punched the living shit out of you. I'm don't with your ratty voice trying to make your way into everyones life. No one liked you ever since you threatened to kill Lizzy right? Speechless are you?" I shouted giving my all to Amelia that Lizzy wished to say in front of everyone.

"Harry he's hurting my feelings, do something!" Amelia whined clutching on the Harrys' arm. Being the same old bitch.

"Listen here Zayn, talk to her like that again and I';;-"

"You'll what Harry? Do the same thing you did to Elizabeth? I'm tired of this crap you do just to protect Amelia, why don't you let her do all the talking instead of her?" Perrie's voice came from the front door as she approached Harry in a deadly matter.

"I did nothing to her Perrie just shut u-" Harry said just was interrupted

"DONT YOU DARE FINISH THAT FUCKING SENTENCE HARRY! YOU KNOW WHY THIS IS ALL HAPPENING? YOU TWO ARE THE WORSE PEOPLE I'VE EVER BECAME FRIENDS WITH" Perrie shouted poking her finger each time she said a word towards Harry who took a step back with Amelia on his tail.

"Hey don't touch Harry like that!" Amelia's voice shrilled taking a step towards Perrie as if she'll make Perrie scared.

"Or else what? You'll hurt me? Give it all you got right now!" Perrie backfired waiting for Amelia's action. And it did happen, Amelia's arm swung back and tried to slap Perrie square in the jaw, but it never came.

Instead Perrie caught her arm which made her surprised and punched the living shit out of Amelia in the nose making her collapse on the floor.

"DONT. EVER. TALK. ABOUT. MY. FAMILY. LIKE THAT. EVER!" Perrie spat towards Amelia and Harry and rushed outside the front door holding me by the forearm.

"Come on, I don't have time for people like them. Let's check on my Babygirl" Perrie said to the other boys who rushed towards their car with me on the tow as we started our cars and sped towards the Hospital.

She calls it 'Serenity' but I call it Heaven. Hoping she doesnt make it there before we get there. Once she wakes up, I'm going to do something I've always wanted to do.

Five Dads and One Baby || One Direction (MAJOR EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now