45.I have no upper body strength

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As I opened my eyes, I was immediately hit with a sudden impact on the left side of my head.

"What the fuck?" I asked myself as I tried to reach my forehead, but noticed something on my wrist. Bringing them closer to me, I saw a purple bruise going around my whole wrist like a band. What happened to me?

It was hard trying to up from the couch seeing as I would need both of my arms to push me up,but here I am looking like an idiot getting of the couch with my feet and upper body strength.

I have no upper body strength.

All the hard work getting off the couch ended badly when I fell and hit my head on the side that was throbbing.

"Shit!" I screamed clutching my head and cradling myself on the floor."Mom! Dad!"

In a second, I heard a stampede of footsteps rushing towards me gasping at me on the floor.

"Lizzy what happened?" I felt two arms grabbing me by the waist and putting me back on the couch.

"I fell off the couch trying to get up." I said removing my hands from my head and looked up to the worried faces of my family.

"You should have called one of us over, we were waiting for you to wake up." Uncle Ashton said coming towards me brushing the strands of hair away from my face.

"What happened to me?" I asked showing them my wrists waiting for answers. Looking around I noticed how they all looked down at me with sympathy and anger, anger from my Uncles and Dad.

"Sweetie you don't remember?" Mom asked looking at me clearly worried about something.

"Remember what-" Then it hit me, from this morning when I was in the car with my family, to me finding Mikey,then seeing him kiss Taylor, and my wrist.

"Y-yeah now I do." I said trying to hold in the tears that were threatening to come out. So many questions were in my mind right now, but I don't know where to start.

"What exactly happened?" I asked starting with a basic question.

"Where do we start?" Dad asked

"Right after I blacked out." I said waiting for them to start.

"After you blacked out we all saw how you fell and hit your head first, that's why you felt a sudden impact on your head if you did." Harry said walking towards me. "Then Zayn, Ashton and I ran towards you to make sure you were okay and such, but you should have seen your Dad hear almost in a rumble with Michael."

"D-did you guys hurt him?" I know he was a prick for doing what he did, but he still was my friend. For some reason I couldn't bring myself to hate someone I used to love.

"We were close to, but your Mom decided not to hurt the sucker and have her give him an ear full." Uncle Ashton said probably remembering what Mom said to Michael."We didn't want to go to jail for assaulting a minor."

"Even if some of us arent technically old yet!" Uncle Luke interrupted as they all laughed at how he was the youngest in the Band.

"Luke we know you wouldn't hurt a fly, remember the butterfly that landed on your hair and you screamed like a girl-"

"Okay shut up." Uncle Luke grumbled crossing his arms around his chest.

"Well back to the story,although Michael didn't get a beating from us he actually got a beating from someone else." Mom said gently inspecting both of my wrists for anything unusual.

"What?" I was confused, if they said none of them tried to kill Michael then who did?

"I never knew Scarlet had a colorful vocabulary." Dad said and I couldnt believe she actually punched Michael..and in front of my family.

"Shit she did?"

"Yeah when your Mom was screaming at Michael we all heard someone shout 'Michael fucking Johnson I'm fucking killing your ass' and BOOM! She ran head first like a bull towards Michael and they both fell on the floor whle she punched him to death." Dad said smiling at bit probably by the fact that Michael was beaten by a girl.

"That's Scarlet for you guys, but she's really nice I swear." I said hoping they would remember the time on my 10th birthday she bought me a friendship necklace that said 'The Ass and Sass'.

She got the ass part, just saying

"I remember honey, but you should have seen her face. It yelled 'You're lucky I'm not killing you or else you'd be 6 feet under already' to Michael." Harry said shuddering a bit.

"She gave him that look?" I said shocked to say she gave him the face she gives to people she hated "This is all my fault!" I felt a sudden panicking feeling that made me breathe heavily. I just ruined a frienship, my best friends friends friendship. It wasnt supposed o go this far, I shouldnt have seen them kissing.

"Lizzy calm down please, it's been a couple of days since you paniced the last time." Uncle Louis said rubbing my back making circular motions which calmed me down a bit.

"What do you mean? How long have I been out?" I asked


"Two days? Just because I blacked out?"

"And hit your head on the pavement let's not forget that!" Uncle Niall said walking out of the kitchen with a cup of orange juice and chicken.

 "Was I bleeding or anything?"

"If you were bleeding, you would've woken up at the Hospital with a lot of tubes on you." They did have a point.

"That's a relief then huh?" I said getting up from the couch getting this hungry feeling creeping inside of me as I walked towards the kitchen. Not before grabbing the chicken and juice in Uncle Niall's hands.

"Lizzy sweetie where are you going?" Mom asked making me spin around towards them and point to the kitchen that was two steps ahead of me.

"Kitchen?" I said pointing towards the motherload. "Why?"

"Can we ask you something before you eat your brains out?" Harry asked gesturing me to go back to the couch which I gladly took a seat in....again.

"Umm, what is it?" I asked feeling this weird gut feeling inside of me.

"When Michael held your wrists, why did you scream?" Shit I didnt know they would notice that part.

How cant they not notice it, you were screaming bloody murder

"Umm....He held me pretty hard so it stung a bit." I stuttered making no eye contact whatsoever.

"Elizabeth Louise you can tell us anything we wont get mad." Harry asked

"I...I had a memory of something I guess.." I didnt want to say more, but it would have to come out someday right?

"Can you tell us the memory?" Mom asked giving me a look filled with hope.

Then those eyes would be filled with sadness.

"ItwasaboutAmelia" I managed to say it quickly as possible.

"Lizzy say it slowly." Dad said giving me a pointed look.

"It was about Amelia okay?" I said with more confidence in my voice which startled me and possibly the rest.

"Oh...Umm..I'll be back..I need air for a bit.' Harry said guilt etched in his voice as he got up from the couch and went towards the backyard.

"Did I say something wrong?"

"No Lizzy, I'll check up on him okay?" Uncle Louis said kissing my forehead as he went outside with him.

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