42.Broken Promises

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"Daddy! Daddy!" 10 year old Lizzy shouted running towards the living room after a hard day of school. 

"Is that my Lizzy I hear?" Harry asked as he saw his daughter rush into his arms. Things could'nt be better than this right? 

"Daddy I got Student of the Month today and they said tomorrow my parents have to be there!" He smile sent waves of happiness in the house, but that was cut off.

"Harry can we go shopping tomrrow I need a new purse." Amelia's whining ass came downstairs with a slight pout on her face.

"Looks like we'll be busy tomorrow huh?" Harry said grabbing the 10 year old in a head lock and ruffling up her hair a bit.

"Wait Dad." Lizzy said making her Dad stop from going any further."You're still going to my school right?"

This was a big thing for Elizabeth and to have her Dad and snobby girlfriend along the journey would make her the happiest person in the world. She never questioned where her Mom was nor was she ever mentioned it to any of her Uncles, it was probably a hard subject to talk about.

Little did she know.

"I wouldnt miss it in the world Lizzybear." Harry said causing a smile to erupt on the 10 year olds face.

"Pinky promise?" She asked sticking out her little pinky as her Dad hooked his along with hers confirming the promise.

"Pinky promise." He said kissing the end of his hands, sealing it."Now come on Uncle Zayn and Aunt Perrie are on their way and you need to get ready for Dinner." She nodded at her Father and she was off upstairs changing into her more comfortable clothes.

 *  *  *  *

"We will now present the award for Student of the Month." Ms. Hemmings, Elizabeth's teacher, annouced grabbing the attention of the school and her family.

"He said he would be here Uncle Zayn." Her voice was holding a mixture of sadness and regret. Sad that her Dad wasnt going to be here on time and regret that she even pinky promised him.

"Even if he's not here you still have us look." Uncle Zayn said pointing at the crowd of familiar faces waving frantically at Lizzy holding up a sign that said 'Lizzybear is #1'. There were her Uncles, Aunties, Grandma, and even Milo.

'Wonder how they snuck him in here.' she thought but was disrupted by Ms Hemmings speaking on the mic.

"Without any further intentions, I would like to annouce the month of June's Student of the Month Award to Elizabeth Louise Styles!" There she goes, walking up the stairs towards the stage where Ms. Hemmings and her Principal stood giving her a warm smile.

"COngratulations Ms. Styles do you have any words to say?" This was her time to thank everyone who was there for her, especially the ones who werent.

"Umm.. I would like to say thank you-"

"YAY LIZZY!" Uncle Jake shouted catching the attention of everyone on the auditorium.

"Jake shut up." Aunt Gemma scoulded Uncle Jake as she smacked him upside the head and pretending nothing happened.

"As I was saying, I would like to thank everyone who helped me along the schoolyear and made me become this month's Student of the Month. You all mean so much to me that I wouldnt know how to multiplay my number without that song my Uncles made." I said as I pointed towards my Uncles who had huge smiles on their faces.

"And to everyone, thanks, you're the best." As I finished my speech, I was appauled along the way of reaching my seat, but something caught my eye. Looking towards that direction was my Dad and Amelia in the corner with 4 security guards around them.

Dad noticed me staring and crouched down for me to run into his arms for a hug. He expects me to run into his arms like nothing happened? He wasnt here fo the whole thing I can tell by his appearance. I decided to look him in the eyes and just shake my head in shame and faced my body to the front where I felt Uncle Zayn hugging me.

After the whole ceremony, we all decided to go to my favorite Restaurant, Olive Garden and celebrate.

"Your speech was amazing Lizzy, my granddaughter is growing up too fast." Grandma said giving me a kiss on the cheek as she continued to eat her pasta.

"Lizzy?" Dad's voice rang through my ear trying to catch my attention, but he was the last person I wanted to talk to right now.

"Lizzy?" Again ignored him.

"Elizabeth Louise Styles." This time I had to look at him because if he says my full name, he wasnt shitting around.

"What?" I snapped grabbing a piece of the French bread and dunking it down in my soup.

"Why are you ignoring me?" He asked giving me a look of hurt and disappointment.

"Because..." I trailed off munching on my bread.

"Because what?" He asked

"You broke a promised you sealed with your lips." I may be 10 years old, but I don't fuck around with promises.

"I sorry I couldn't be there for your speech, but I came at the end because Ameila and I were being mobbed." He said his voice filled with sincere.

"Then you shouldn't have even planned to come since you're always choosing Amelia before me." I said knowing the answer to my statement.

"Elizabeth Louise that is not true, I treat my favorite girls equally." He said slamming his fist on the table making everyone sitting on it stop their conversations and hear ours.

"It's never equal between us three, you promise something to Amelia it's done like that." I snapped my fingers emphasizing how quick he is to react."When it's our promises, I'm held behind like I'm not even your daughter." The truth had to come out eventually right?

After that night, I decided not to go home knowing I would get yelled at for talking back to Harry during a family dinner. U stayed with Uncle Zayn and Aunt Perrie and I knew then that they can be people I can rely on.That night I cried myself to sleep knowing that what I said was true. It was like he didn't even want a daughter in the first place, like I was just dropped off on his doorstep one night and BAM he's responsible for me. 

"Since that I didn't trust anyone's promises to me because I knew they weren't going to remember. A broken promise caused me to have this weird trust issue throughout this day. Number 25 is broken promises that cant be fixed." I finished reading off from my Diary and starred at Uncle Ashton for a response, but all I got was a blank stare.

"You know I would never break a promise if we ever made one right?" Was the first thing he said to me.

"Pinky promise?" I couldn't help but say it as I stuck my pinky out waiting for his to hook on.

"Pinky promise." And when he said that he sealed the promise with a kiss on his side just like Harry used to do.

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