62:Thank You

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A/n: This chapter made me cry, but here's another update!

"Kyle?" I asked, confusion racked around my body. I have a brother? A twin brother to be exact? 

"Hey...sister?" He said with precaution, so he knew before me? It all made sense to me now; the common favorites, the day and times were so similar. he was right in front of me and I never knew. 

"You knew?" Hurt was etched all over my face and I know everyone noticed. 

"I only knew a couple weeks ago Liz, so it's still new to me." He said truthfully. 

"Who else know?" I asked, turning around."Who else knows about this?" 

"Everyone..." Dad said as everyone nodded in agreement. 

"You're telling me..that I was the last person to know about all of this? Something that involved me and could change my life?" I said feeling the uprising of tears, but I held them in. 

"We had to so everyone could get in the surprise." Dad said trying to approach me, but I backed away. 


"Elizabeth just listen to me." Dad said, trying to fix the problem. But the problem is getting bigger and bigger to me. 

"No! I'm done listening to something that everyone knew before me. It's going to change MY life not theirs right? 

"You have to know it was for your own good?" Dad shouted, trying to calm himself down. 

"How would this be for my own good?"

"We just thought that since you had so much going on in your life, we didn't want to add another pound of problems." 

"My own good or your own good because quite frankly every decision YOU make effects me more than you think. How long have you know?" I shouted looking around to see everyone's faces, a look of guilt was written on all of their faces. 


"And for your information I have everything perfectly balanced as soon as I started cutting Dad, cutting made the pain go away. It relieves my stress and I cant believe I'm saying this but I still do." It was a secret that was meant to come out sooner of later right? 

"Lizzy please just-" 

"How long? How long has everyone known about this?" This was hurting me more than it was hurting them and on Christmas Day. 

"It's been about a month or more..." Mom said giving me a sad smile, she knew too. Everyone knew except for you. 

"So all of this was everyone's idea?" I asked, then turning to Kyle "Even you?" 

"Liz you dont understand, I wanted to tell you-" 

"But you couldn't right? You didn't want me to handle all this weight when you knew I had everything under control." I could taste the saltiness of my tears beginning to freely flow. He was like a brother I never had, but now he actually is. 

"I'm sorry..." His voice was raw with emotion. I could see the guilt on his face, but I wasn't forgiving that easily. 

"No I'm sorry, I'm sorry for easily trusting people I just met." I scoffed getting ready to go upstairs into my room. 

"Elizabeth please it wasn't their fault." 

"You're being dramatic over the situation Elizabeth." This made my blood boil, I was being dramatic over this? 

"I'm being over dramtic over this? What did you expect me to feel? Happy? Sad? Shocked? Well sorry for not being the perfect daughter you want me to be." 

"Lizzybear please it wasn't their fault..." Uncle Jake said walking towards me, but I couldn't face anyone right now.

"I was there when your Mom gave Kyle away, I should've said something about it beforehand." 

"Thank you..." I said giving him a sad smile. 

"Wait what?" Uncle Jake asked, shock written on his face. 

"I said thank you..." I said, walking towards the front door."Thank you for making me realize the people close to me cant be trusted either." And with that I opened the door and slammed it shut, ignoring the protest. 

I noticed it was snowing pretty bad, should've planned this out. But I needed to cool off and leave for a bit. 

"Lizzy?" A voice interrupted my thoughts, looking up I saw Michael looking at me with concern. He probably knew too...

"Hey Michael.." I said trying to walk around him, but be blocked my path with a gift in his hand. 

"Hey whats wrong? Are you crying?" He asked, grabbing my chin and lifting my head up watching the tears freely flowing and will soon freeze from the temperature.

"It's nothing Michael I just need to go.." I said walking around him. but he caught my arm and swiveled me around. 

"No I'm not letting you go until you tell me what happened." He knew, he's just acting like he doesnt know what happened. 

"I cant..." I felt my body shaking from the breeze hitting me every once in a while. 

"Lizzy you need to tell me exactly what happened and you cant leave with that kind of clothing." He was right, I was only wearing a tank top, some sweats and my fuzzy slippers. 

"Please, just let me go..." I whispered, but his grip only tightened. Not too hard like last time. 

"I cant let you go, not this time Lizzy. I cant lose you again." 

"If you love me so much.....let me go this one time." 

"I-" I caught him off guard just in time to release his grip from my arm and ran. 

I have a brother, a twin brother. Everyone I loved knew about it; Mom, Dad, Harry, The Sterlings, Uncle Ashton...

They thought I couldn't  handle the weight, they thought I was still this vulnerable girl. 

I wasn't, I was a new person, I could handle problems better now-

"LIZ!" A voice cried out, but it was too late...

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