65:I'm Sorry...

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A/n: So I have made a decision, I am ending this book once I hit the 80 mark! Don't cry, I'm writing a sequel which is awesome if I do say so myself. It's called "Life With The Styles" and trust me, you'll want to read it to know what happens. I wont be updating until a few days later.

Days turned into weeks, weeks turned into months, who knew how long this would be?

"Come on Lizzy, just one sign." I prayed, intertwining her pale cold hands to my warm hands instantly giving her hands warmth. Which the heater in this room isn't giving her, the room we were originally in before was too small for all of us so they moved us.

"Hey Mr. Styles." In came Lizzy's group of friends on their daily visit, everyday after school. She's lucky to have friends like them, I'm lucky for that matter.

Sadly, Kyle and Parker had to go back to school and go to football practice everyday so their visits are later at the night. As for me, I'm here every morning, noon, and night.

"Mr. Sty;es? Visiting hours are over..." Chelsea, came in with a sad smile on her face.

"Please, just this once...again?" I asked knowing the answer to my question.

"I don't know-"


"Okay, you know where the blankets are stored and the couch being a pull out bed." Bingo.

"Thank you very much." I said giving her a genuine smile.

"It's what we do for a family who's been waiting two months for a miracle to happen, still no luck?"

"Not yet, we just wish she would just wake up right now." As Chelsea left, someone else came in with a big duffle bag and dirty cleats.

"Kyle..hey buddy." I said waving towards him, but all he gave me was a nod.

"How is she?" He asked pulling up a seat right beside me. This is the same question he asks me every single day.

"So far...no progress." I couldn't help but feel bad for the kid, I mean he's scared that she might hate him because of what I thought was best for her.

"I just wish she'd wake up by now y'know? I mean she missed my first football game. She promised to go..." He whispered staring at Lizzy's face."It just sucks."

"I promise she'll wake up eventually." I reassured him, all he dd was turn around and faced me. Almost like he was observing my every move.

"Pinky promise?" He asked, sticking out his picky. He reminded me so much of her...

"Pinky promise?" She asked sticking out her little pinky as her Dad hooked his along with hers confirming the promise.

"Pinky promise." He said kissing the end of his hands, sealing it."

"Pinky promise." I said, hooking his pinky with mine. But my promises aren't really hitting the home run.

"It just frustrates me knowing that we're here living our normal lives and she's missing out on everything." He sighed.

"I know it does buddy, hey everyone else is downstairs at the cafeteria." I tried to persuade, but he just ignored me and stared at Lizzy.

"I hope you wake up Liz, for me and Harry..we really miss you." What hurts the most was that he doesn't call me dad anymore.

* * * * *

Everyone came back from the cafeteria hours later, and right now they were all asleep. I was tired as well, but there could be a chance that she would wake up. I need to be here for her, I needed to be here for both of my kids, the only source of happiness left in my life.

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