18. My only hope of life in this world

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(A/n: Hey guys and hello to the new followers I got but I dont know which story you guys liked so yeah. But for now on so everyone doesnt stress about my next update, I will be updating ALL of my stories on Thursday, I'm actually not going to change the cover to this book so sorry if you sent one in.) 


*Filming The Video*

Right after we got the call from the airport stating Lizzy wasnt there, Paul immediately called everyone out for the hunt for Lizzy. He even planned all of us to make a video for the news. Right now, we're all sitting on the couch waiting to record the video

"Alright boys, the camera will start in 3, 2, 1, Go!" The producer stated giving us the signal to start talking

Wiping the tears on my cheek, I smiled towards the camera as the red dot started to flash

"Hello, It's Harry from One Direction and I have something that needs to be said. As you guys know we are here in Florida for 3 concerts but we had a little accident in the airport. My daughter Elizabeth Styles or Lizzy was taken from me and the boys while we were signing. Why? why did you do it? we did nothing to harm anyone with Lizzy why try to take her away from me? Do you need money or cash? Take it but don't take my precious sunshine away from me." I was going to cry, dont cry, dont cry, dont cry. 

"Please bring her back to me and the boys. If you see Elizabeth wandering around the streets or with someone other than us please bring her to tonight's concert at 6:00 backstage or anywhere where I can see her. There will be a reward so please." I couldnt take it anymore, I stopped myself for a minute trying to hold it in but I just couldnt. Tears started streaming down my face uncontrollably not able to stop, I just let them fall freely from my eyes to my pants. 

My tears began to turn into sobs getting louder and louder. I felt a soothing hand reach out to me and knew by the touch it was Zayn. He tried calming me down but nothing worked, behind me I can hear the other boys crying too but more of a sniffle. 

"P-please, I just want my babygirl back, to be in my arms. I don't want to lose her anymore" I said holding on to ZAyn for dear life. I felt lifeless, incomplete without the one person that lights up my world. She was my everything, I was supposed to protect her but I failed. 

I knew the cameras were off when I felt a tap on my shoulder, but I didnt want to look up.I felt so vulnerable right now. 

"Harry come on, we have to go now, I'm sure she's fine" Pauls voice rand through my head. I'm sure she's fine now. No she's not fine, not without me. I looked up with my teary eyes and stood up from the seat. Feeling the anger rising. 

"SHE'S FINE? THAT'S ALL YOU HAVE TO SAY? SHE'S FINE! HELL I MEAN I GUESS IM FINE TOO IF I GOT KIDNAPPED AND I DONT HAVE NO IDEA WHERE I AM, IM FINE! EVERYTHING IS FINE NOW RIGHT PAUL SINCE YOU SAID IT'S ALL FINE" My anger took the best of me, every word I said, I felt this heavy weight lifting off my shoulder, but stopped midway. 

"Harry that's not what I was talki-"

"OF COURSE! THIS IS ALL MY FAULT, IF I DIDNT SIGN AUTOGRAPHS AND JUST WALKED STRAIGHT TOWARDS THE CAR SHE WOULD BE WITH ME RIGHT NOW IN MY ARMS PLAYING WITH MY HAIR BUT NO! WHERE IS SHE PAUL? WHERE IS SHE? ANSWER THAT BE. BECAUSE. THIS. WAS. MY. FAULT!" Tears still falling from my eyes, my anger took the best of me. I foudn the closest thing next to me, the coffee table and flipped it with all my might. 

"SHE'S GONE BECAUSE OF ME!" I screamed repeatedly throwing everything everywhere. 

"Harry calm down please" The boys tried to get a grip on my arms but they couldnt.

"ITS MY FAULT!" I said flinging things across the room, but I couldnt move with 8 arms gripping me for dear life. 

"Harry stop now, she'll come back tonight" Liam said holding me tighter with me thrashing and flailing my legs everywhere until a couple of minutes later, I felt weak. 

"I just need her..."

*Back to reality*

It's been two days. Two days I've been waiting for my daughter to come back to me. Every concert we had in Florida I gave the guards pictures of my daughter so they know where to bring her. BUT SHE WAS NEVER THERE! NO ONE BROUGHT HER THERE, ABSOLUTELY NO FUCKING SIGN OF MY BABY. 

I've been a wreck ever since, staying at the hotel excluding myself from the boys no matter how many times they tried to include me in a conversation. 

But deep down inside I knew I lost the only hope I had to live in this world

Five Dads and One Baby || One Direction (MAJOR EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now