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Hello Watt-fam, Priceless Masson here! I missed you guys so much! I'm here to announce that I'll be coming back to Wattpad fully active and reloaded, like an AK-47 lol. It's been two years since my amazing book Me And You: MAY, can you guys believe it? You guys showed me immense love and support on it, and each and every one of you that has voted, commented and read the book, are part of my journey here.

These past few months without being here, six platforms that are not Wattpad have offered me a contract to take my book, Me And You: MAY, off Wattpad and put it on their platform...putting my book on their platform my dear Watt-fam will mean, I'd most likely have to make it a paid story, yes that's good, I'll be making some cool ass monayyyyyy and I've seen some people do that here, but NO!

I literally turned down every offer because I know how much of a journey I've made to be here and recognized by most of you today, I love Wattpad, I love my fans here, I love the 'Nigerian-ness' you guys bring to my PMs and comment sections, and taking down my book that you guys love so much and putting it somewhere else, would only make me sad, because I write for fun, I write because there are people like you guys who support me and love me here, I love to write so random people who I've never met in real life could read it and appraise me. #Introvertlife lmao. I write so my imagination can come to life and definitely not to earn money at the expense of my own happiness. I'd love to earn money from it, yes I would, but no.

I love and respect y'all feelings to do that. I love it here❤️



I'm so nervous to put this out, I'm still working on it and I hope you guys would love it

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I'm so nervous to put this out, I'm still working on it and I hope you guys would love it. I'll be putting it out before the year ends, and I know you guys are gonna love it, because I love it. I'm excited and nervous at the same time!!!


A guy, a girl, six weeks, one house.

If one day is enough to change a person's life, then eight weeks is more than enough for Zayyad, 23, and Beverly, 19, to fall for each other.

Zayyad returns from the United Kingdom, a not-so-fresh graduate who has a plan to build an empire of his own without the help of his billionaire father, because he wants to be independent; he leaves Kano—his homeland—and heads for Abuja to start up his company from scratch, his best friend, Seun, convinces Zayyad to live in his house until the company construction is finished, and Zayyad obliges. With his stay in Seun's house, he gets to see the girl he's had some weird longtime feelings for (as he would describe it) and that girl is Beverly, his best friend's younger sister.

There's a lot that comes with them wanting each other, a whole lot, from the tribal difference to Beverly being his best friend's sister, to the surprises from Zayyad's family, to him breaking a major bro code, six years of friendship and trust. Beverly and Zayyad together was chaos to everyone around them, except themselves.

Will they pull through or the universe has other plans?

Anticipate HIM


And again, My sister and I have been made an ambassador for a German perfume, and they arrived in Abuja, Nigeria, where I live, last month, I'm so excited to be part of this company guys, and I seriously want you guys to go follow the page, please. If I see how many of you actually go to follow this page, I'll be releasing my second book earlier than expected.

So, the release of the second book is depending on you guys and how much you engage in the instructions below:

1. Follow the page @ngxaxxofficial on INSTAGRAM
2. Repost any image from the page on your story and tag @ngxaxxofficial

 Repost any image from the page on your story and tag @ngxaxxofficial

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That's all I NEED you guys to do for me. I have not accepted on taking down Me And You: MAY because of the immense love I have you guys, so come on!!!! Do it if you love me and want to join me on another journey of my second book: HIM. The book has some juice!!! So better, buckle up and go follow the page o!

I LOVE YOU ALL!!! Come on, I don't want to go from house to house and start throwing rotten tomatoes at you guys. Show me you love me.


THAT'S the page!!! FOLOW IT ❤️❤️❤️

Thanks for reading,

love, Priceless Masson.

Me And You: MAY Where stories live. Discover now