Chapter 19

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I still can't get enough of you, watching you every day is my favourite hobby.
Your secret admirer.

I frowned at the note in front of me, it was annoying. I shredded it to pieces because I didn't want any stupid dumbhead secret admirer anymore.

It had been a week after my breakup with him and he's living his life like there was never an 'Olivia' in it.

Whenever I looked at him, I felt a burning fire of fear and hatred. I stopped sitting on the 'Celebrity table', even if Mimi, Natalie and Katie persuaded me into staying.

I started skipping lunch in school just to avoid him, anything leading to him and anyone that knew him, I hadn't been myself since the breakup, it was a shock and it still is.

I barely spoke with anyone except Mimi, I didn't trust Natalie because she was the 'twin' sister to my enemy, so I didn't speak to her that much, even if she tried to convince me that she wasn't in support of her sister.

I stopped talking to Katie because I found out that she was the one who sent someone to record me and him in the classroom that day.

I don't wanna ever mention his name.

She said she was doing it to spite me and him. So much for trusting her. She confessed to me because she said she felt guilty and she didn't know that Natasha was trying to get him.


It was the last week of the term and we were writing our exams, I had finished my last paper, but I was waiting for Mimi so we could submit together. She finally finished and we both walked out of the hall, we had a place where we usually hung out after each paper, so we both walked there.

"Ahhhh!" We echoed as soon as our butts simultaneously landed on the couch.

"Did you answer number eight?" She asked, dropping her backpack on the floor in the art gallery.

The art room was a place dedicated to Miranda's late paternal grandmother because she was a huge lover of artistic things. No-one was allowed into the place except visitors who came to school to check out the beautiful artworks in the place.

It was the only place in school where I could be myself without having the students gossip about me. Mimi found a spare key to the place and, well, we've been hanging there since I stopped sitting at the celeb table.

"No, I skipped it," I answered, taking off my tie.

"Thank God, I was feeling a little bit sad since we both skipped it, we'll both fail it together." She cheered, her eyes beaming with joy, making me chuckle.

I stretched my arms, due to me being tired. "Last day of school, I can't wait to go home."

"You reduced somehow." She observed.

"I literally wake up by 6:00 every day, sometimes I skip my breakfast and I recently just started skipping lunch because of that man-whore and you expect me not to reduce, abeg, babe free me joor." I nonchalantly shoved off.

She laughed.

"You just sounded like Almond."

Sigh. Since Mimi and Almond started dating, my eardrums have been bleeding in my imagination.

"This guy dances like Almond!"

"This guy has a replica of Almond's Rolex!"

"This guy walks like Almond!"

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