Chapter 21

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Song for the chapter: Energy by Runtown.

Saturday, 7:10pm



"Olivia!" I was putting on my adidas sneakers when I heard my dad calling me.

"Coming!" I shouted back in response to his call, proving that I heard him call.

I hurried down the stairs and I froze at the sight of my dad and Jayden talking in the living room.

This fool. I told him to call me when he was outside. Arrgh.

I tried to stay composed and avoid pulling my hair. "Oh, there she is." My dad said, motioning his hand towards my figure."My friend, don't keep your guest waiting it's uncultured of you."

Is he serious right now?

"Hi." He waved at me. He was a great actor, he looked so good and calm and my parents were falling for his act.

He was clad with a black hoodie, a black penciled ripped jeans and a black adidas sneakers, the fine diamond stones on his wristwatch shone brightly, and he looked great.

I wore a white long sleeved crop top, an orange tight adidas mini skirt, and a white adidas sneakers to match with the white stripes on the side on my top and skirt. To finish my simple look, I had my hair up in a fine ponytail and as usual, my mom slayed my makeup.

I looked in Jayden's direction and sent him one of my fake smiles.

"Sir, ma'am, we have to go now, otherwise we'd be late for the party. I'll be sure to bring her back by myself and I'll make sure she doesn't have any alcohol and she's safe." He assured, in his most gentlelike manner.

"Okay, my son." My dad nodded, giving his go ahead

Jayden walked to me and took one of my hand in his.

"Okay guys, bye, remember... Whatever you do to her, I'll do to you," My reminded letting out a nervous chuckle. "I'm not kidding." She assured, letting out another nervous chuckle.

I smiled at my mom.

"I promise ma'am, she's safe." That was Jayden's last word before my mom escorted us to the door. I gave her a hug before we finally walked to Jayden's SUV.

"Mehn, you're fake." I applauded, as soon as we settled in the car.

"Errm...They are PARENTS," He reminded as he drew air quotes with his hands, clearly emphasizing on the 'parents'. "you have to assure them that their child is safe with you, and you're not some kinda of highway robber." He said, raising his eyebrows.

"I mean you're fake, like your acting skills are top notch, we both know that wasn't the real you."

"Wait, you expect me to show them my cocky side?" He asked.

"You're finally agreeing to the fact that you're cocky." I pointed out, taking a glance at him

He sighed, as he drove out of our estate gate. "You're quite difficult."

"I'm not difficult, okay?" I frowned at him. "You're actually the difficult one here, you're so difficult to the extent where it's so hard for a compliment to escape your lips."

He laughed lightly, "I totally forgot, I was thinking maybe if I complimented, you were gonna get mad, or send some savage comebacks my way." He shrugged.

"I don't hate you that much to reject a compliment from you." I confessed, inhaling deeply.

"What if I lie about it?" He smirked, even in the not so dark night I could still see his silky smirk.

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