Chapter 27

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Saturday, 9:28pm

"Ayyyye! Go girl!"

Twerking for me was a difficult thing to do, but for Miranda it was as easy as ABC. If I didn't know anything about her I would think she was a professional stripper. The way she moved her hips to Rihanna and Drake’s Work that blared out of her speaker left me in awe.

Natalie, Katie, Darnell and I were having a sleepover at the Coker's Villa.

Yes, it was only us.

Natasha was excluded because we didn't want bad blood stirring in the air and to make the job easier, she had been avoiding me like a plague and I was very comfortable with that.

Mr and Mrs Coker were on a business trip while my parents were on their honeymoon in Beverly Hills. The boys were downstairs and thankfully Dele was out somewhere in Florida. Mimi had said she would be flying to Canada tomorrow evening so that was why we were having the sleepover today.

We were occupying a room that had three bunk beds, specially made for sleepovers. It was fully stocked with all the girlie things you could think of; Pads, extra pyjamas, ice cream etc.

"Oya, most embarrassing moment of your lives!" Mimi announced, after settling down and reading from a list that she held in her hand.

"I'll go first," Darnell said.

Darnell was our age mate but she was writing her external exams, and that was the reason why she was in SS3.

"So when I was young...I think maybe age thirteen, I was crushing on this really cool neighbour, so he became my brother's friend and I thought we had this really cool chemistry. One day, I walk up to this guy and he goes like 'No girl, I'm sorry I don't do girls', and I was like 'You gay?' and he's like 'No, I'm just allergic to girls" We all burst into a fit of laughter.

"No way!" I said, my jaws dropping.

"Yes way." She nodded.

"How can a guy see a fully endowed girl and then choose to do masculine body?" Mimi rolled her eyes.

"Is that not how one of them was at my party, and he, I mean she, was just all over Jason, like trust me, Jason gave him/she a punch that he/she is gonna live to remember." Natalie narrated whilst we all laughed with the way she said 'slash'.

"I like gays though, I mean my bestfriend is one and it's like having both a girl and a boy." Darnell lectured.

"No doubt, you're possessed." Katie snorted, pretending like she was gagging.

I laughed at her reaction.

"Mine was when my mom came to my school to whoop me in front of my friends, all because she saw something that looked like contraceptives in my bag, I was a freakin' twelve year old." Katie said, and we all burst into a fit of laughter.

"I remember that day, like Aunt Flora was so mad that I thought she adopted you." Natalie recalled, laughing out loud.

"Now that I've had sex, she doesn't even know and now that I'm taking the contraceptives, she doesn't even care," She disclosed, her tone oozing disappointment.

"We used to be mother and daughter goals and now she doesn't even care anymore. After my dad passed away she changed and now we barely even see her, when the month ends she refills our account and continues her life like we don't exist." She continued, wiping her eyes with the back of her palm before her tears flowed.

"It's fine Katie, my dad is tryna talk to her." Natalie mentioned.

"Katie, your mom loves you guys and I promise that she's gonna come back to be the mom she used to be." Mimi sympathised.

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