Chapter 50: Training Ground 3

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As they passed the streets of Konoha the towns people went outside their houses to inspect the fire, some were out on the streets while the others looked out the window. They seemed to be talking but the moment they eyes laid on the ninjas and the foreigners, they'd quickly hushed the others to stop. Pitiful eyes and hushed murmurs were laid onto the students.

"Oh poor kids. Look how beat up they are."

"Those are the kids that stayed in the Ninja's training grounds right?"

"Yeah i remember them."

"Aren't those the kids that came here with that monster?"

"Yeah she came to Konoha with them."

"You don't think she did this to them right?"

"Oh please. It has her written all over it."

"You heard the roar."

'The roar?' Shoji, Todoroki and Midoriya looked at Tokoyami who had a surprised expression on his face.

"I bet she is to be blamed for this."

"I dont even see her with them."

"See? Shes guilty."

The students continued walking, listening to their murmurs. It wasn't true. Everyone there knew it wasn't true. What did they know? All they did was pick on her without knowing.

"I told you. All she brings is bad luck and chaos."

That was it. That was the last straw. Their blood boiled hearing the people's accusations  towards their friend. They didn't know anything.

"That's not true!" Midoriya defended. "None of it is!"
"What gives? Making rude comments? You dont even know her!" Kirishima said.
"Enough." One of the ninjas accompanying them said.
"Are you just going to let them talk her down like that?!" Kirishima asked.
"You guys are her comrades." Kaminari said.
"Why dont you protect her?!" Midoriya asked.
"You think we don't?" Shikamaru asked calmly. "What's the point of telling them what she is and what she's not."
"Look even if we do tell them, theres nothing we can do that can change their mind." Ino said.
"Something like that isn't going to change just by words." Choji said.
"They'd have to see what we see first for them to change their mind." Sakura said.
"How can you be so sure?" Iida asked.
"Because we used to hate them too. Naruto and (y/n). We wanted nothing more than them gone, to disappear from Konoha just like the people said." Sakura looked at them. The students went quiet. Them. Their friends that they hung out with, played with, had fun with. They all hated (y/n) and Naruto back then. They didn't know about that, the new information got them to rethink the twins past. Literally no one wanted those two but for them to find good friends like these.
"But its also because of them that we grew out of that hatred and had come to acknowledge who they are. We've seen them battle the impossible, stood up against the all odds and gave hope when there was none. Theres nothing we wouldn't do for them." Sakura along with the others looked at them "So don't question the connection we have with (y/n) or Naruto. Because i can assure you that the comrades they've made feel the same way." They stared at the students but it wasn't angered or spite, pride or boastful, it was more of manning their ground and just looking at them. The air was tense and cold and quiet. Sakura broke it off and they started walking again.
"Like they've said before there are somethings you cant just change with words." Shikamaru said nodding his head to Sakura. "Come on. Continue walking we shouldn't be far."

Once they've reached the hospital they were sent to a rather spacious room that would be used by multiple patients. Midoriya, Mandalay and Pixie-bob on the other hand were wheeled off for an emergency examination. "Since the call was so sudden we weren't able to put you into normal rooms for your privacy but we still had these. The rooms you'll be staying in tonight was used when we had a lot of patients." A nurse said turning on the AC.
"And when was that?" Sero asked since the AC was next to his bed.
"15 years ago. When the Nine tailed foxes appeared. There were too many people injured that night that our rooms couldn't hold all of the patients. So the lord Hokage the third had this wing made as an extension."
Mineta's skin crawled "we're sleeping where the people of the past who were injured might have died."
"What?" The nurse giggled. "No no no. The beds are all new, so are the mattresses, bedsheets, blankets, pillows and pillow cases. We've dusted the place also swept and bleached the floor." She smiled proudly. Mineta's mouth hung low and practically drooled at the woman. Sero saw this and wasted no time wrapping him with his tape. The nurse sweatdropped and turned to the girls. "If you all would follow me." She motioned out the door. The girls would be staying in the room right across the guys. The nurse turned on the AC.
"Mandalay and Pixie-bob will be staying with you guys. While I'll have Koda, Tiger, Shota and Vlad with the boys. You girls wash up and change. We'll be coming in to check on your injuries in a while." The nurse said pointing at the bathroom in the corner of the room.
The girls nodded and thanked the nurse as she went out. Is if on cue both Mandalay and Pixie-bob were wheeled in the room on a bed. Mandalay was still awake.
"Mandalay! Pixie-bob!" The girls exclaimed upon seeing them.
"You girls aren't badly hurt aren't you?" Mandalay asked. The nurse that wheeled them in placed their beds with their head by the wall.
"Not much. Just a few scrapes and bruises." Uraraka said.
"Im glad " Mandalay said sighing in relief.
"What about you Mandalay?" Asui asked concerned.
"Oh ill be fine." She smiled. The nurse took one last look at both of the hero's vitals before leaving them with a smile. Some of the girls held Mandalay as she sat up, groaning holding her head. Momo looked at Pixie-bob was unconscious and had more bandages than Mandalay had.
"Will she be okay?" Momo asked.
"Oh she's strong. Im sure she'll pull through."  Mandalay's eyes saddened looking at the sheets on her lap. "Is it true? Your classmate 'kacchan' was taken?"
"Yeah." Uraraka said saddening.
"It wasn't just Bakugou. (Y/n) was taken too." Asui said.
"More like she surrendered and went with them." Jirou said.
"What?" Mandalay gasped.
"Based with what Deku and the others said they held a young boy captive." Momo said.
"She was literally cornered! She had no fighting chance." Mina complained crossing her hands. Everyone was quiet just for a second.
"I bet! If she wasn't cornered by some lame hostage trick she would have beaten those guys to a pulp!"
"Lets not get too hasty. Its the League of Villains we're talking about. We dont know anything about the Akatsuki but from what we've heard. They're not in good terms with Konoha or the other villages here." Mandalay said.
"You guys imma talk and wash up." Uraraka said as she left  the group smiling worriedly.
"Poor Uraraka she's probably worried about (y/n). Ribbit."
"So the Akatsuki is like their Villains here." Jirou said
"That's the closest, yeah." Mina said.
"Girls?" Mandalay looked at them.
"What is it Mandalay?"
"Tell me what you know about the Akatsuki."

I AM HERE WITH YOU! BNHA x Female!NinjaReader Naruto Shippuden!Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz