Chapter Thirty-Nine

Bắt đầu từ đầu

''You forgot Zayden Jack.'' I pointed out.

''Nah, I purposely left Zayden Jack out.''

''I take you didn't like the name Jack for his middle name?'

''Too common.''

I shrugged, placing a pair of folded jogging pants into the overnight bag. ''Don't know, I still think it's cute.''

''I'm not really a big fan of Dyson either,'' Carmen said. ''Reminds me of the brand name for my vacuum.''

''Ah damn, it is a brand name for a vacuum, ain't it?''


''Guess it's between Blaize and Alfie then.''

''Either is cute for Zayden.'' She pointed out and I nodded in agreement.

The sound of the front door opening and banging against the wall before slamming shut startled me and I could tell it also startled Carmen and it baffled me when she picked up the nearest 'weapon' which just so happened to be Cloud's The Complete Tales And Poems Of Edgar Allen Poe hard covered black book. Carmen's hazel eyes met with mine and we stared at each other, waiting on whoever entered the house to speak their name but all I could hear were fast paced footsteps slapping against the hardwood and tiled flooring down on the main floor.

''Who's here--?'' Carmen began whispering before she was abruptly cut off.

''Terrance!'' Cloud's worried voice rang throughout the household and I frowned because he sounded so absolutely frantic.

''Cloud?'' I called back, glancing at Carmen who thankfully set the hard covered black book back down on the bedside table and I listened to Cloud's shoe covered feet race up the staircase and a moment later a crazed, disheveled looking Cloud stumbled into the bedroom, catching himself on the door frame, his dark blue eyes settled on me before he came forward and wrapped me up in a tight hug, breathing heavily against my neck.

''Why haven't you answered your cell phone?'' He demanded, trying to sound angry but sounding to relieved to pull off the angered scolding tone.

''It's in the kitchen charging—what's wrong?'' I asked worried and trying to squirm out of his vine like tight grip to look at his face but he just held me against him, his face still tucked against my neck.

''It's Benji, he-he fucking escaped from jail last night.''

''What?'' Carmen and I both questioned disbelievingly.

''I got the call fifteen minutes ago,'' Cloud said, pulling back from the embrace to cup my face in his hands, his dark eyes searching mine which were probably wide from the information I had just been told. ''God fucking dammit, Terrance, I thought something had happened when you didn't answer.''

My heart lurched from the undertone of distress in Cloud's voice and even more so when he pulled me back in for a hug, one hand sprawled over my belly and the other cupping the back of my head.

''I can't believe this,'' Carmen began angrily. ''How did that stupid useless fucking cockroach escape? It's a jail with guards and shit! And why would they only now give you a call about his escape? The fucker shot you and tried to harm Terrance!''

Cloud was silent for a moment, still cradling me against him like he was afraid to let go of me in fear of me just disappearing into the unknown and knowing this made me want to cry because Cloud was scared, maybe not of Benji but of what he could do. Especially because of what had only happened a few weeks ago, the thought made me cringe.

''They didn't realize Benji was gone from his cell till earlier this afternoon.''

''Idiots.'' Carmen muttered.

The Bad Boy Is My Baby's Daddy (BoyxBoy) (MPreg)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ