Author's Note

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So guys, I have been struggling with the idea of what I should write about to follow the movie Justice League Dark: Apocalypse War. I have two ideas of how to save Damirae and want to know what you guys like. 

One Idea: Flash goes back in time, but only goes back to the beginning part of the movie and intercepts the plan and the Justice League adapts to what Flash has to say, were Damirae are still liking each other. 


Second Idea: Raven stops Flash and tells him that there is another way. Because of her new found powers, she give life back into the world and brings back all those who died in the battle and heals those of the survivors. 

Both of these ideas are do able and I can work with both, but I want to know what you think. I don't want the Flash to go all the way back and stop himself from saving his mother, because that could alter Raven and Damian ever meeting. 

So what do you think? Leave a note in the comments or message me your ideas. This goes for any ideas or stories you want to see in the future. 

Now back to you regular schedule programing: 

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