Enchanted Castle Pt 3

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Damian's POV: 

Father had told me to stay close and watch our new guest. Father was acting kind and friendly to this new girl, which was quite strange to me. A month ago a woman and her child showed up on our doorstep, and father had turned her away with no thought. 

He was kind and asked her how she felt about things. It threw me for a loop. And when he asked me to watch her, I thought it was a joke. 

"Father, why is it important that we watch her? Why did you take her in any way?" I asked throwing my staff to distract him while I went low to knock him down. 

He had caught me though and put a stop to my plans. "All I can say is that you should watch her closely. Tell me everything that you learn about her." 

He let go of my arms and bowed. I bowed back, ending our fighting match. 

"Yes, father." I said, no longer fighting him on the subject. 

"Be kind to her and make her feel welcome," Father said before leaving the room. 

I threw a punch at a sandbag. I took a deep breath to calm my nerves and grabbed my towel to wipe the sweat from my face. 

I had to follow my father's orders. It was time to fraternize with the enemy. Maybe not enemy, but dependently not a friend. 

I knock on the door, freshly showered from my sparing match. The soft voice was like an angel that beckoned me into the room. I stood at the foot of her bed, waiting for her to look up from her book and acknowledge me. I was irritated at first, but as I watched her soft features glide over the words in her book, my irritation faded. 

When her eyes glanced up from her book to look at me, she quickly scurried to her feet. "I am sorry, I didn't see you there." 

We discussed the book that she was reading and I was curious to know she was reading a book of romance and adventure. She didn't look like the type to read, but I could see now that she was quite the reader. 

I walked her to lunch and after I took her for a stroll outside. We had large open grounds that were used for parties and I suggested we throw a party for her. She protested at first but agreed at the end. 

When I had finished my business I left her and went to my rooms. I sighed as I sat in my office chair. My father might have many sons that are older than I, but my brothers and sister are not eligible to rule. 

I am the only blood son and one day this whole kingdom will be mine. Sometimes I think this is too much, but I understand my responsibilities well enough to be realistic. 

"There you are." Dick walked through my room without warning. 

"Whatever happened to knocking?" I sighed deeper, sinking into my chair. 

"I was just wondering how your little walk with our house guest is going?" Dick said, coming over to my desk and scanning my papers. 

"It was fine," I said, gathering my papers and beginning to work on them. I had many things that I needed to do before supper tonight. 

"So, did father put you up to it?" Dick asked. 

"Yes," I said, reading my papers. 

"And how much did you fight it?" He grinned. 

"I can not go against an order from my father. You know this." I said, trying to focus on my work.

"That has never stopped you before." He leaned on my desk, making me glare at him. "If I remember correctly,  you have no problem disobeying father's orders." 

"What is your point?" I said, leaning back at my chair, irritated by what he was insinuating. 

"You like her." He said as if it was a fact. 

"I do not," I said, looking at him to see if he was joking. 

"If you don't like her then why do you stare at her?" He smiled. "Kori and I both see it." 

"I do not stare." I protested. 

"You do too." He laughed. "You watch her as she talks with us while we eat. You pushed in her chair for her like a gentleman." 

"Maybe because I am one," I argued. 

"You do not do that for Barbra or Kori. You only did it for her." He pointed at me, accusingly. 

"I do not know what you mean." I shake my head. 

"I have to admit she is quite beautiful and she has a sort of grace about her that is appealing." He shrugged. 

"Remember you are engaged to Kori." I pointed out. 

"See, you are jealous as I talk about her." Dick stands up. 

"I am not. I am just saying you already are taken." I fight back. 

"No, there is more to that than this." He smiled. "You, baby brother, are in love." 

"I am not." I bite back. 

"You might not know it yet, but you will soon." He started walking to the door but before he could leave he turned back to me. "Just don't shove those feelings down. Embrace it and embrace love." 

Then he was gone. 


Author's Note: 

Surprise! I have yet another update for you guys! Thank you so much and make sure that you like this story and let me know if you want to have more!

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