New Years Day

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Damian's POV: 

"You are distracted." I point out, using the dull end of my blade to hit Superboy's side. "This is not a fair fight, but when your head isn't here then it is far too easy." 

"I am sorry." He shook his head. "I just can't focus." 

"What are you thinking about?" I said, moving fast enough to catch him off guard and put the blade to his throat. 

"Nothing," Conner said, pushing off of me. 

"You seem distracted and it is impossible to be distracted by 'nothing'." I said circling him, ready for the next move. 

"Fine." Conner sighed. "I want to ask Donna if she will be my date to the New Years' party next week." 

"Well then ask her," I grumbled. "It's not that hard." 

"Speak for yourself. Have you even attempted to ask Rachel to be your date?" Conner grinned. 

"I haven't had the time, but if it makes you feel any better I can ask her any time that I want," I said, focusing on Conner's movements. "You on the other hand need courage." 

"How about you ask Rachel and once that is done, then I will ask Donna," Conner smirked. 

"If that will make you focus on training then I will." I agreed. "Now get into formation." 

"I have a better idea." Conner gave a devilish smile. "Rachel! Damian has something he wants to tell you." 

I stood up straight, letting my blade go to my side as I turned to see raven-haired women walk over to us. She had on a confused face and looked at me puzzled. I gave a small glare at Conner, but when he just smiled innocently I turned back to Rachel. 

"Good morning." She said. 

"Morning." I nodded. "I was wondering if you would like to accompany me to the New Years' party?" 

She looked confused and then she smiled. "I would love to." She turned to Conner. "Now Conner, I believe that just leaves you to ask Donna." And then she walked away. 

I looked to Conner who seemed shocked. "You planned this didn't you?" He asked. 

"How could I plan it? You were the one who decided to call her over." I smiled. "Now get into position. It's time to fight." 


Raven's POV: 

I had on a burgundy dress that went just above my knee. I was just finishing putting in my earrings when I heard a knock on my door. It seemed rushed and as soon as I opened the door, Dona came flying into my room. 

"How does this dress look?" She twirled. "I mean I have a blue one that I could also wear." She said about to leave the room. 

I grabbed her hand and laughed. "Calm down. You look fine." 

"Really?" She looked down at her dress. "You don't think this says I am trying too hard?" 

"No. It looks great." I said complimenting her pink dress that was strapless. 

"What about my hair? Should I put it up in a ponytail? Or braid? Oh, I could curl it?" She said getting nervous. 

"Leave your hair down. It is a gorgeous black and has natural waves." I said, turning back to my jewelry and putting on my necklace. 

"You think?" She said looking at herself in the mirror. 

"I know." I smiled. "Now let's go to your room and pick out some jewelry to match." 

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