Spero PT 1

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This is based on the drawing and art by someone I found on Tumbler. I did not create the idea, I am merely expanding on it. 

After the time resets after Apokolips War is over, the story is a little different and Raven doesn't know Damian. Damian is the leader of the League of Assassins and Raven is the adopted daughter of Superman. 

Please enjoy!


Raven's POV: 

I was sitting outside on the bench of the Daily Planet, finishing up the last part of my article when a shadow casted over me. I glanced up. 

"Rachel Kent?" A stranger asked, looking from a piece of paper and then back to me. 

"Who is asking?" I set my article aside and study him. 

"My name is Terry McGinnis. You can call me Terry." He held out his hand for me. When I took it, he seemed to let out a sigh. "Miss Kent, may I call you that?" 

"Rachel is fine." I stand up. "What can I do for you, Terry?" 

"Well, I need your help with something." He scratched his neck nervously. 

"If it is an article you are after, you should talk to my mom. Lois Kent." I began to clean up my things on the bench. 

"I actually need you for a superhero-related mission." He says quietly, as if not to attract attention. 

I looked over him once again, trying to figure out how he knew I was a superhero. He must be one himself because only a few people know I am Raven. 

"And you are?" I asked, leaning back and folding my arms. 

"Batman." He answered. "Well, the new Batman." 

"So you are the person old Bruce Wayne gave his legacy to." I nod. 

I had heard a little about this from my adopted father, Clark Kent. He was friends with Bruce and when Bruce got old and decided to retire, he had made this big deal about passing along his legacy to someone younger and better than he was. I guess the man before me is him. 

"Uh... yes." He said, nervous. 

"Calm down," I say. "I am not going to bite. What is the mission?" 

"Bruce is looking for someone," Terry explains, getting out a folder and passing it to me. "He hasn't told me who and I don't think he will anytime soon." 

"Then what is in this folder?" I asked, looking at the yellow outside of the folder. 

"Bruce's offer." Terry shrugged. "He says that if you agree to help, he will give you the offer inside the folder." 

I opened it. 

The paper had a family tree. I looked closer and saw that my mother and father's names were on it. Under it was mine. This was my family tree. 

Next to my mother's was a woman by the name of Sarah. 

I had an Aunt?! I don't remember much about my mother and it was forbidden to talk about her past before she met my father, but maybe she did have a sister I didn't know about. Does this mean that I might have more family out there? 

"He will help me with this," I wave the folder. "And in return, I have to help him find someone." 

"Yes." Terry nodded. "Using your powers." 

"Count me in." I nod. 

Two days later I got a text message with an address and instructions on how to pack for cold weather. Though I am half demon and hated the cold, I found some old winter gear in my closet. I packed warm and was out the door. 

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