Childhood Love PT 1

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Raven's POV 13 years ago: 

I have finally turned five, which means John and Zatanna think I am finally old enough to attend Kindergarten. Zatanna keeps telling me that I will make friends in time, but I don't care about that. I am just excited to be able to go to the school library. 

I am a huge reader, and I have been waiting to be able to use the school library. There will be many books that I haven't read before, and I can check them out and take them home to read. John only laughs when I talk to him about how excited I am about the library. 

"Rachel" Zatanna bent down to be level with me on the sidewalk outside of the school. "I will be here to pick you up at three o'clock." 

"I know," I roll my eyes, already bored and wanting to go inside before the first bell. 

"Love, she knows this already." John put a hand on Zatanna's shoulder. "Rachel, please behave." 

"I will dad," I nod with confidence. 

"Do I get a bloody hug?" John grinned, kneeling for a hug. 

I rushed into his arms and hugged him. I nestle my face into his neck and take a moment to gather my courage. When I pull back I turn and hug Zatanna. She holds me close and I can tell she is trying not to cry. 

"Don't be sad," I put my hand over Zatanna's. "I will be fine." 

"Alright," She stands up and wipes her eyes of tears. 

I wave to them one last time before running up the steps of the school. I look up at the large sigh above me that read "Gotham Academy." I smile in confidence and shift my backpack on my shoulders. 

I follow my paper to the listed room and take a seat in the front of the class, being one of the first people in the room. I look around excitedly, scanning the room and getting familiar with it. The bell rings a few minutes later and kids start to rush into class. 

Everyone sits in groups and seems to be chatting and friendly with each other. I know I didn't go to preschool with any of them, so I don't know them, but I can't help but feel a pang of sadness when I realize I am the only one left out. 

"Alright, class!" The teacher came to the front of the class. "Good morning and Happy first day of school. I would like to start the day with attendance and then we are going to go through class rules." 

I sit up in my seat, and when my name is called I raised my hand and tell everyone my name so the whole class can learn it. Once we get through all the names we start with a tour of the room. It takes up most of the morning, and everyone seems to be whispering while the teacher talks, which I find rude. 

"Alright, kids, time for lunch," The teacher announced. 

Everyone stood up and rushed out of the room. I pushed my chair in and grabbed my lunch bag from my cubby. I walked slowly down the hall and as I entered the lunchroom a wave of anxiety washed over me. 

I sat down at an empty table and waited for other students to join me. It seemed like most of the children already had a table, so I felt out as the lunch line was getting smaller by the minute. I sighed and looked down at my peanut butter and jelly sandwich. 

"Hey," I heard an unfamiliar voice ask. 

I looked up and saw a boy with bright green eyes. He wasn't smiling or anything, but he wasn't angry either. I wasn't sure who he was, but I recognized him from my class. 

"Hello," I say shyly. 

"May I sit with you?" He gestured to the empty seat in front of me. 

"Sure," I nod. 

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