Halloween 2.0

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Raven's POV: 

It was that time of year again. Halloween was three days away and Kori was begging me to pick a costume from the local Halloween store. I didn't really feel like dressing up, but I knew there was no way out of it. There never was when Kori was on a mission to make the best Halloween ever. 

"Please Raven," Kori pleaded with me with her large puppy dog eyes. "Will you just pick out one custom?" 

I give a long, tired sigh, and nod. "Fine." 

I walk over to the women's costume section and scan through the options. There was a sexy nurse, sexy tiger, sexy cat, sexy doctor, and sexy princess. I turned to Kori who was watching me with anticipation. 

"Why are all of these 'Sexy' women's costumes." I groan as I pull one of the costumes so she can see for herself. 

"I don't know," Kori walked over and started to look through the wall again. "I am sure there is one normal costume here." 

We searched together but came up with nothing. There was no 'normal costume' and I was not going to wear bikini-type outfit to a titan's Halloween party. Kori and I gave up hope and were walking out of the store when I looked to might left and saw it. 

"Kori, wait." I grabbed her arm and stopped her so she can see what I was looking at. "I mean, sure it is still considered a sexy costume, but this is better than the others." 

"It's perfect!" Kori walked over to the display and pulled the tag to look at the size. "And look, it is a perfect size!" 

"Are you guys wanting to buy this?" A store worker came over. "No one has been interested in this outfit because of its lack of sex appeal." She sighed and shook her head. "I don't understand why though because it is very sexy and alluring." 

"It is such an amazing costume" I agree with her. 

"How about you try it on?" The lady asked. 

"Yes! She will!" Korri answered for me. 

The lady laughed and started to pull the costume off of the display mannequin. She handed it to me and I walked over to the dressing rooms to try it on. 

First, there was a black sparkly dress that went down to my ankles. It hung on me like silk and illuminated all my curves. There were large slits on both sides of the dress that showed my legs when I walked, but not so much that it would be considered inappropriate. 

The next thing I put on was a simmer black pointed hat that made the dress stand out even more. My shoulders were bare and I felt both sexy and fancy all at once. I couldn't believe I found an outfit that I might actually like. 

I slide the curtain and walked out of the small room and into view of Kori and the store worker. They both gasped with they saw me. 

"You look stunning," Kori stood up and walked around me in a circle to examine me better. 

"You are the most beautiful witch I have ever seen. Your toned arms and amazing figure fills out that dress perfectly." The store lady walked over to a display of shoes and handed me black heels. "This might look good with it." 

I side into the heals and felt taller and more confident than ever.  "I will take it," I told the lady in confidence." 

"Yea!" She clapped her hands. "You are going to be the prettiest person at the party." 

"How did you know it was a party?" I raised an eyebrow. 

"We got to talking," Kori explained with a bashful smile. Of course, she talks to anyone that is by her. She is very open and kind to everyone, so I shouldn't be surprised that she would talk to a random stranger while I was trying out the outfit. 

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