Scotch Pt 3

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Raven's POV: 

I walked into our house and found my father already storming into the living room where my mother was peacefully resting. As she was nearing her due date, her mother liked to kick up her feet after work and relax. With my father's anger, I knew she wouldn't be able to tonight. 

"Lois! You knew about our daughter and Damian?!" My father pointed fingers. 

"You told him?" She turned to me and ignored my father completely. 

"He found out," I explained, taking a seat beside her on the couch. "Batman and Robin teamed up with us tonight. I found out that Damian was Robin and all hell broke loose." 

"Good for him," She nodded with approval. "I mean he is very good-looking, but now that I know he shares the same career as you I feel much better about your relationship." 

"What relationship?!" My father shouts. "There is no relationship between them. Raven is still just a child. She needs to stay away from boys. Especially that playboy Damian Wayne." 

"He is not a playboy, dear," my mother rolled her eyes as my father's exaggeration went too far. "His father might have that reputation but Damian is very respectable." 

"I agree with mother," I nod in confidence. 

"You have no say in this," my father pointed at me with a glaring gaze. "You can't see him ever again. I forbid it." 

"Dad..." I start to argue but then mother grabs my arm. 

"Dear, shut up." She struggles to stand up, so I help her to her feet before she turns to Clark. "You do realize that she is a grown woman? She is old enough to date whoever she likes and I forbid you from forbidding her." 

"You can't do that," Clark raises his voice before realizing what he just said. 

"I am pregnant thanks to you. I make the rules now. And she can see this boy." Lois raised her voice to the point that father and I knew not to argue with her. It was best to not upset her any more than she was already, so I changed the subject. 

"Mom, what are you watching?" I asked, looking at the tv screen. 

"Just the daily news. It was rather boring if you ask me, but I couldn't find anything else to watch," she sighs and sits back down. "Would one of you be a dear and grab me something to drink? I am thirsty." 

"I am on it," my father says before leaving the room. 

"I am sorry about storming in here," I apologize on behalf of dad. 

"I am sorry your father overreacts. You know that he just loves you, right? I mean, he wouldn't be this way unless he loved you." Mom tried to play peace-maker. 

"I know," I nod.

"Are you going to see Damian again?" My mom asked with a smirk. 

"We really didn't have much time to talk before dad blew up," I rolled my eyes and sat back. "I would like to, but we just found out about our super identities and it might still be a little weird. I mean, I didn't see it coming and I found out before Damian did." 

"I understand, but you shouldn't let this one go," she grabs my hand and squeezes. "I can tell by the way you talk about him that you like him, so you shouldn't let him go." 

"You really think so?" I asked, my voice betraying how nervous I really felt. 

"You like him. He likes you. It is as simple as that." She smiles and leans in. "And that is how I knew I wanted to be with your father. So trust your instincts. If you get hurt you only grow stronger." 

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