Thanksgiving 2.0

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Damian's POV: 

I was sitting on the balcony of my home, sipping a cup of coffee and enjoying the refreshing morning air. It was the first time in a long while that I had a moment to myself. With everything happening at the league of assassins, I haven't had much time for myself, let alone time with my wife. 

Besides sleeping beside her every night, I haven't spoken to my wife in almost a week. And though I want to slip away and spend more time with her, I can't seem to do that. I feel too much responsibility for my people to leave them. 

"Damian?" I hear Raven's sweet voice call to me from the bedroom. I turn around and see her sitting up, rubbing her eyes. "I thought you would be gone by now." 

"No," I stood up and set my cup of coffee down. "I told the servants that I was feeling ill, and now I am enjoying a cup of coffee on my porch." 

"How clever of you," she stood up and slid a robe onto her slender shoulders. "Where is my coffee?" She asked as she came over and kissed my cheek. 

"I can have one ordered," I say, knowing she loves coffee in the morning. 

"No need," she smirked and grabbed my cup of coffee. With a smirk, she takes a sip. 

"You are lucky I love you," I kiss her shoulder, coming up behind her. 

She moaned, and I wasn't sure if it was because of the coffee or because of me. Either way, she leans into my body, sighing. "I have missed you." 

"I have missed you too," she turns and kisses my cheek. "Do you know what day it is?" 

"What?" I asked, thinking I had forgotten an important date. It wasn't our anniversary. I don't think. 

"It's Thanksgiving," she pulled away and faced me, her face serious. "Don't say you forgot." 

"I am sorry," I sighed. "I have been really busy and I guess I never looked at the calendar." I cupped her face and kissed her nose. "What would you like to do today? Do you want to eat Turkey? Ham?"

"I just want to spend one whole day with you," she wraps her arms around my waist and pulls our bodies closer. "And I want you not to answer one call or message." 

"I can do that," I nod, agreeing to her terms. 

"Sure you can," she slides further away. 

"Hey, why don't you believe me?" I say, offended. 

"Maybe it's because I haven't seen you for the past two weeks," she rolls her eyes and turns around, walking over to her closet. "Or maybe it's because when I do see you, you always answer calls." 

"I am sorry for that," I come over and take her arm, pulling her attention back to me. 

"Then prove to me that you can spend the whole day with me, not thinking about work." She looks serious and from her eyes, I can tell that she doesn't believe I can do it. Which is even more reason to prove her wrong. 

"I am turning off my phone starting now," I say as I pull out my phone and turn it off. "I will leave a note on the door that says do not disturb, and even if someone knocks, I won't get it." 

"You and I both know it is not that easy," she sighs. 

"But it can be," I shake my head. "Just trust me. Let's enjoy the holiday together. How about putting up the Christmas tree?" 

"You never decorate our bedroom for Christmas," she looks confused. 

"Well I never had someone to help me before," I say before kissing the top of her hand. "So what do you say, Beloved? Are you in?" 

"I am," she nods, a smile bursting from her face. 


Raven's POV: 

Since moving to be with Damian, I felt less connected to him than ever before. He hardly has time for me anymore, and I feel alone, having no one to talk to. I often sit in the library, reading a book or two to pass the time. 

And when Damian called in sick today, I didn't believe him. I mean, he hadn't called in sick since I met him. But I was proven wrong as Damian brought the Christmas tree out of storage and began unboxing it. 

"Are you going to help me?" Damian teased as I sat back and watched him fluff the branches of the tree. 

"I was enjoying the show," I smiled before standing up. "Let me get dressed and then I will come." 

"Alright," he nods and goes back to working on the tree. 

After a quick shower and changing into some leggings and a sweater, I came out of the bathroom to find the tree was up. But Damian was nowhere to be found. My heart sank at the thought of him getting pulled away for work again. 

I began to bring out the ornaments, wanting to put the tree up and clean up the mess that was made. I started to hang the round bulbs when I heard a noise behind me. 

"Careful," Damian's voice spooked me and I slipped on the stool. Before I could hit the ground, Damian had me in his arms. "You aren't wearing any shoes," he pointed out looking at my feet. 

"Well, no," I shake my head, confused. 

"I broke an ornament and there is glass on the ground. I was just getting a broom to clean it up, but you should get some shoes on," he said as he safely set me down. 

"Alright," I nod before going to my closet and getting out my slip-on shoes. I came out with them on and walked over to the tree. "So you went and got a broom?" I questioned wondering if he did anything else while he was out." 

"I just went to get a broom," Damian looked up, knowing what I was trying to get at. "I swear it was only for that reason that I briefly left the room." I sighed, letting go of my worries, and then I went to his side to help him clean up. 

"I never thought you had butterfingers," I teased, making a joke to lighten the mood. 

"It slipped while I was trying to hold seven in my hand," Damian smirked, amused. "I will remember I can only carry six for the next time." 

"One at a time is fine," I smirked as I finished sweeping everything in the dust tray. "Now, how about you put this in the garbage and I can start hanging ornaments again." 

Damian kissed my forehead before going to the bathroom to drop the broken ornament in the trash. I grabbed a few more glass balls and hang them high in the tree, trying to balance out the mess that Damian made. 

"Should we put up the lights now?" Damian asked as he came back. 

"Usually they go on before the other decorations,  but it seems that you are doing things out of order," I smirk. 

"Give me a break, this is the first time I put up a Christmas tree." Damian pinched my shoulder before starting on the lights. 

A few short hours later, Damian and I are sitting on the floor, looking up at our tree. I was wrapped in Damian's arms, leaning against his strong frame. He brushed a strand of hair off my neck and kissed me until I moaned. 

"Happy Thanksgiving my beloved," Damian whispered in my ear. 

"Happy Thanksgiving, Damian," I turned my head and gently kissed his cheek.


Author's Note: 

Sorry to post this after Thanksgiving, but I hope you all enjoy it!!!

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