Enchanted Castle Pt 5

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Damian's POV: 

She was surprising me. When I watched her running with that little girl, it hit me that she wasn't like most women who hated to get her hands dirty. She didn't care about her fancy dress, but she took the time to run in a race because she felt bad for the little girl. I felt bad for the girl as well, so I made a note of it to talk to boys later and give the fear of god into them. 

We had just finished musical chairs which left us both thirsty for something to drink. I offered to get us drinks while she sat down at her table. 

I brought back lemonade and sat down beside her. 

"For this being your first party in your honor, how does it feel?" I asked her, whispering in her ear. I could hear her breath hiccup as I had started her. 

She regained herself and looked at me with those amethyst eyes. "It has been wonderful." She whispered back. 

I smiled at her. She was stunning. Words could hardly describe what I felt when I saw her. I was starting to think Dick had a point in what he was saying. 

"What are you thinking?" She leaned closer, still whispering. 

"Nothing." I smiled. 

"What?" She smiled back. "If I have something on my face and you are laughing at me..." She warned covering her face nervously. 

"You have nothing on your face," I assured her. 

She laughed but put her hands down, showing her gorgeous smile. 

"There you are." Dick's arms patted my shoulders. "Ah, Raven, a pleasure." Dick sat down beside me. 

"Greyson." I nodded to him. 

"I have some business I wish to discuss." Dick glanced towards Raven. 

"Of course, I will leave you two alone." Raven stood. "Thank you." She said to me before she left. I watched her walk away then turned back to Dick. 

"This better be good," I grumbled. 

"Oh, someone is not happy I am ruining their date," Dick smirked. 

"Greyson..." I warned. 

"Alright, Father wants us all upfront for him to give his toast," Dick told me. 

"Alright." I stood up and we walked over to the others who were gathered around father, waiting for him to give the word. He nodded to me and then grabbed a glass. He clicked his knife against it, getting the attention of everyone. 

Everyone sat down, besides the family. 

"Evening everyone," Father spoke. "What a wonderful day it was for a party." He smiled. "I would like to thank everyone for coming and enjoying the day with us. I also want to thank my family for being here." He turned to all of us. "As always, it is not a party without you." 

We nodded and smiled, faking our appreciation.

"I would also like to ask our main guest of the night to stand up." Father looked around until his eye landed on Raven. She blushed red but stood up. "You are gorgeous as always, and I hope you enjoy your party." He said. 

She nodded and sat back down. 

"Now, let dinner be served." He raised his glass and we raised our and toasted with him. After I went and sat back down at my table, beside Raven. 

"What a nice toast." She whispered to me. 

"Father always makes big speeches," I whisper back. 

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