Thanksgiving 2021

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Raven's POV: 

What was I thankful for this year? Well, let's see... I am thankful for all my friends on the Teen Titans, thankful for John and Zatanna, thankful for Clark and Lois, and thankful for the opportunity to go to the college of my dreams this year. 

What else? 

Oh, I am also thankful for my amazing boyfriend Damian Wayne, who if he doesn't get here soon, might just end up a single on thanksgiving. 

I was sitting on the edge of my bed with my knee jumping up and down with anxiety as I was waiting for Damian to show up. He had patrol last night, but there was still no sign of him this morning, so I am not sure what happened to him. 

Dick and Damian were on patrol together but Dick came home with no problem. It was just Damian who mysteriously disappeared. And on today of all days. The day he was supposed to come with me to the Kent's to have a family thanksgiving. 

There were no emergency coms last night (I checked) and yet there were still no signs of him anywhere. I had to get going soon or I would be late, but I was waiting for as long as I could for hope that Damian would just appear. 

I guess it was too late to wait any longer. I checked my watch for the thousandth time and stood up with a long sigh. I had texted and called Damian a few times, but each time I received no answer. I thought I would try one last time before leaving. 

As my phone rang, there was nothing on the other end. No answer yet again, I turned off my phone and threw it on my bed. (I wasn't going to need it for any reason and if Damian wants to call me or something then that is on him). 

I grabbed my winter coat off the chair and moved to my opened portal. With ease, I walked through it and stood outside the doors of the Kent house. Without even knocking Jon opened the door and gave me one giant hug. 

"Sis," he welcomed me into the home. "Where is Damian?" 

"Not coming I guess," I grumbled, my mood already darkening from the thought of spending one of my favorite holidays without the man I love. 

"Had a fight?" Jon pestered me. 

"Nothing like that," I shake my head. "He went on patrol last night and never came back." 

"Is he in trouble?" Jon suddenly became alert because he was best friends with Damian and wanted to make sure his friend was alright. 

"He is fine," I add to ease Jon's thoughts. "He just didn't come home with Dick last night, and hasn't been answering my calls." 

"Is he mad at you?" Jon said as we walked into the living room. 

"I don't think so," I sigh. "I mean he was fine when we left but now he is ghosting me." 

"Damian?" Lois asked, overhearing my conversation. 

"Yes," I nod. "You can take out one seat because he is nowhere to be found." 

"That is too bad," Clark said, but you could hear the happiness in his voice. It wasn't like Clark hated Damian or anything, but he just didn't approve of Damian leading the League of Assassins (which has a terrible reputation for violence). 

"You don't have to act disappointed," I say, giving Clark a hug. 

"Yes, he does," Lois glares at Clark. 

I chuckle and give Lois a hug before turning to John and Zatanna who were watching all of this go down. John and Zatanna have been helping me a lot with magic and Lois thought it would be nice to invite them over for Thanksgiving, but I don't think anyone was prepared to truly spend the holidays together. 

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