What Happens By The Pool, Stays By The Pool

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Raven's POV:

I was putting my school books in my locker, wishing the school had air conditioning. Of course, the private school, which you thought would have air conditioning, doesn't. I had already shed my jacket and was wearing shorts, but I wasn't enough.

"Rae," a familiar voice groans out my name before her body falls on the lockers. "Why is the metal of these lockers the only source for cooling off."

"It's just sad," I pull Donna off the lockers and take her weight in my arms as she dramatically whines. "Shouldn't you be in class?"

"How could I think about being in class in such a heat?" Donna groaned again, standing up on her own.

"You really can't afford to miss that many more classes or you won't be able to graduate," I point out.

"I haven't missed that many," she argues.

"You have missed more than I do, and we go on the same missions," I point out, waving my hand for some air movement. "Why do you even take so many days off? You are impenetrable and hardly ever need time to recover."

"Conner and I don't like to make out at school," Donna smirked.

"Too much information," I groan and roll my eyes.

"What's up, ladies?" Conner and Damian walked our way in athletic shorts, and for the first time since I met Damian, he was wearing a white t-shirt that clung to his muscles. That was just how hot it was outside to give you a reference. I tried to look away, but Damian looked too sexy for his own good.

Was it just me or was the room getting even hotter?

"Hey!" Donna smiles and jumped into her boyfriend's arms. "How is everything?"

"Coach says he is canceling football practice today so we don't have to die in this heat," Conner informs us, but watches Donna and ignores the rest of us.

"That's nice," I turn to Damian. "What are your plans for your free afternoon then?"

Damian shrugged and put his hands in his pocket (which believe it or not made his muscles flex even more). "I guess I will go back to the mansion and work out." I was totally shocked. How could Damian even think about working out? I just wanted to lay by the pool and read a book when I got back.

"Seriously?" Donna said exactly what I was thinking. "You are crazy to work out in this heat."

"I don't think I asked for your opinion," Damian glared at Donna.

It wasn't a secret that Donna and Damian didn't see eye to eye on most things. I will never understand why, but when they are in the same room as each other, they will bite each other's heads off. I wanted to roll my eyes at this little act of theirs but knew there was nothing we can do about two bull-headed people such as themselves.

"Guys," Conner stepped forward, trying to ease the tension. "How about we just go to the last class and get out of this awful hell we are in?"

"I don't have a class," I point out, knowing I don't have anything to do for the next hour while I wait for the others before I go home. Sadly I don't have a car to take me home, so I will just have to bide my time doing something useful.

"I don't either," Damian added, his voice sounding unenthusiastic.

"Why don't you two go to the library where there is air conditioning? We will meet you guys after the last bell out front," Conner said, looking at Damian with a wide smirk. Damian sent his friend a threatening glare that could turn any normal person to wet their pants.

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