Mafia PT 3

508 26 4

Rachel's POV

It had been three days, and last night I made my decision (though I wouldn't really call it that because I didn't really have a choice). I was now standing in front of an ordained minister, getting married to a perfect stranger. 

"Do you, Rachel Roth, take this man to be your husband?" The minister asked. 

"I do," I nod, my throat feeling dry.

"Do you, Damian Wayne, take this woman to be your wife?" The minister turned to Damian. 

"I do," Damian nodded, his face showing no emotion, but his grip on my hand didn't loosen. It was almost like he was holding onto my hand for strength. But if I was being real, It was the other way around.

"I now pronounce you man and wife," the minister pronounced to the small audience around us. "You may now kiss your bride." 

Damian twisted my body to face him, and suddenly his lips were on mine. When we pulled away I had to take a moment to regain my composure because that kiss just flipped my stomach and sent butterflies off in my abdomen. 

When I looked back I saw Dick, Damian's stepbrother whom I met earlier this evening when he said he would be one of the witnesses. And beside him was his wife, Kori, who was the other witness. 

"Now to celebrate!" Dick cheered. 

"I think we will just head back to the house," Damian shook his head, declining the offer. 

"You two were just married," Kori came to stand beside me. "Shouldn't you celebrate such an event? I mean, Dick and I celebrated for weeks after we were married. Can't you just spare one night to go out for a few drinks?" 

Damian turned to me as if giving me the power to choose. 

I just shrugged. 

"One drink," Damian sighed. "Then Rachel and I will go home." 

"Excited much?" Dick elbowed Damian, causing Damian's mood to lower into a dark cloud. I could practically see how angry he was getting from this joke. I slipped my hand away from his and stood back, a little frightened by this. 

Damian turned back to look at me with confusion, and I saw him glance down at my hand. He took a deep breath and turned back to his brother to say, "let's just get this over with." 

"That's the spirit," Dick joked as he tossed his arm around his brother's shoulder and lead him out the door. Kori linked her arm through mine, and we listened to the boy argue more as we walked to the car. 

We loaded and drove to a nearby bar, ordering a round of shots for everyone and having a contest. I wasn't really much of a drinker, so of course, I lost. But Dick and Damian were competing for the title of champion.  

"Hey," Kori said as she slid into the booth I was hanging out in. "I haven't really had a chance to talk to you much. Now that we are sisters-in-law, I want to get to know you more." 

"What do you want to know?" I said as I felt the effects of the alcohol hit me. 

"What do you do for a living?" She asked as she rest her elbows on the table. 

"I work at a diner. Or did it before it was shot at and I was dragged into this mess," I told her without shame. "I am a waitress." 

"Oh," she nods. "And what are your hobbies?" 

"Reading mostly," I shrug. "I don't have much time for other things because I work to pay the rent." 

"Now you don't have to worry about that," Kori placed her hand over mine. "Damian will take care of the money and you won't have to work yourself to the bone anymore." 

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