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When I got home I was greeted with hugs and scoldings. I had to explain everything to Clark and Lois, leaving out the part where I spent the night in Damian's room. By the end, they were both stunned.

They understood my wanting to find my other family members, but they disliked that I didn't come to them for any help.

"I didn't want you to feel bad," I explained.

"Oh, honey," Lois held my hand. "We understand. Clark wanted to know about his family too."

I nodded.

I was wrong not to have told them. They are so supportive and of course, they wouldn't have stopped me from finding my family. I just didn't want them to feel like I wanted a different life than what they gave me.

"You are back home now, and that is all that matters." Lois looks to Clark as if to calm him.

"Yes, but you won't be doing that again." He says in a fatherly caring way.

"Okay." I agree. I don't want to cause them any more worry.

When I went upstairs into my bedroom, I placed the bell on my nightstand and went into the bathroom to take a shower. It has been a few days since I was able to shower, so it felt nice to get all the grime off of me.

When I stepped back into the bedroom, I was shaking out my hair to let it dry more. I wore comfortable purple pajama shorts and a black tank top made of silk. I was comfortable. I slipped on my reading glasses and sat on my bed, opening my computer.

Being gone for a few days meant I had a lot of work to catch up on from the Daily Planet. I was a journalist, so I had four stories that I had to complete before tomorrow morning. I had been putting it off, so I decided there was nothing better to do than power through it tonight.

A few hours past and my eyes were hurting from the strain of the computer screen. I took off my glasses and rubbed my eyes. All of a sudden the bell beside me started to ring.

I grabbed the bell and felt the vibrations through it.

Standing up, I put my glasses back on and grabbed my jacket from my bed. I could use a distraction for a little while and I missed Damian even though it had only been a few hours. So I opened the portal.

When I stepped through, the room was darkly lit and the fire was going. It was colder than I expected, and the cold air made me regret the shorts I was now wearing.

"It worked." A dark, husky voice, said calmly.

"I told you it would," I smirked, now spotting him in the chair next to the fire. "What are you doing up so late?"

"I could ask you the same thing." He stood up and slowly walked toward me.

"I was finishing up my articles for work. Someone distracted me and I need to have them turned in by tomorrow." I explain, smirking up at him.

"Well, I was finishing up my paperwork. As the leader of the League, I have many responsibilities." He explained.

"I have no doubt." I nod. "But that just means that you should be sleeping right now."

"I missed you." He whispered into my ear. It sent shivers down my spine and all feeling of tiredness seemed to disappear. He leaned his face, nestling it into my neck. "Will you stay awhile?" He asked, almost begging.

"Yes." I nod. "But just for a few hours," I replied.

"That is all I need." He pulled back with a smile. Suddenly he picked me up and walked us over to the bed. He laid me down and climbed on top of me. "I think we should finish what we started this morning."

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