The Baby Is Coming

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Raven's POV:

I was sitting at my desk chair, going over the recent paperwork of the new 'green initiative' when I felt a kick. I looked down with a proud smile and rubbed my belly before saying, "Hello to you little one."

There was another kick that caused me to chuckle. I sat back in my chair and stared down at my swollen belly and thought about the future.

I was already nine months old and any day now my little one would be welcomed into the world. Damian worked night and day to surprise me with the baby's nursery, and I often spend time, rocking in the chair, pondering what life might be like when I have this baby.

I was excited from the second I found out I was going to be a mother. I knew very little about parenting and both Damian and I don't have the best parents in the world, but I knew when I found out that I would be the best mother for my child.

Damian was just as excited as I, was but far more protective of me than ever before. I wasn't allowed to leave without him nor wonder without telling him where I was going. It was sweet at first but soon caused us to fight. We compromised and have made up and are now on the same page.

"Beloved," Damian said, striding into the room with the confidence of ten men. He wore his traditional League of Assassins uniform that was the same color green as his eyes. His handsome face caught me off guard and I couldn't help but smile in happiness to see my husband.

"Dear," I sat up a little. "How are you?"

"I am fine," He leaned over to kiss me before walking over to his desk on the other side of the room. "How are you?"

"I am fine," I sigh. "I think the baby is getting just as restless as I am."

"Kicking again?" Damian perked up.

"A lot," I nod.

"I am sorry," Damian said with sympathy.

"It is nothing that we can fix," I sigh again. "Help me to think of something else. What was your meeting like?" I changed the subject.

"It went fine. The ambassadors agreed to our terms and signed a treaty with us." He explained. "It ran a little long though because Arnold Williams kept talking about his battle stories and wouldn't shut up about it until everyone heard it at least once."

"He is always one to talk," I nod in understanding.

"I am just glad that you were not there. You would have been bored into labor," he joked.

"At this point that is the goal," I joked back.

"Trust me," he smirked, showing off his devilish features. "You didn't want to be there."

"Alright," I nod, giving in. "Now that you are done do you have anything else for the day?" I changed the topic and turned back to my pile of paperwork (I have been putting off my work for some time, and though Damian offered to help me, I have refused and wanted to do it on my own).

"Nothing big," He shrugged and leaned back in his chair. "I should go check on training but other than that I don't think there is anything special on my plate. Why?" He looked at me with curiosity.

"Well," I leaned back in my chair once more before smirking. "Given the fact that my contractions are about six minutes apart, I would say that it is time to have a baby."

I had been feeling contractions all morning but didn't say anything because I believed them to be Braxton hicks. It wasn't until an hour ago when my water broke that I realized what was going on. I was far enough apart on contractions so I didn't warn anyone, but they were coming closer together by the second.

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