A Misunderstanding PT 1

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Raven's POV: 

"Damian, would you just listen?" I begged, not wanting him to get the wrong idea. 

"What do you have to say that could possibly change my mind," he glared at me with a fiery passion. "There is nothing you can say that can fix this." 

I knew Damian was mad, but I had never seen him this angry before. What started out as a small argument, has turned into a war, and Damian won't hear reason. I keep trying to explain what happened, but he can't hear past the first thing I said. 

"Damian, please," I grab his arm so he couldn't walk away from me. 

He tore his arm from my hand and backed away with a look of disgust. "I can't even listen to the sound of your voice. Whatever happens, remember, this is your fault." His accusatory tone halted me where I stood. I couldn't fight back the tears anymore. I just watched him walk away from me. 


I sat on the couch, preparing for the undercover operation I was going to be going on. Kori had planned a secret mission to go undercover, and because of my unique skills, I was chosen along with Kid Flash. 

I had to keep it from the others, which wasn't too hard. Well, except for trying to hide it from Damian. In fact, I had been hiding from him all day, sure he would read me right away. And of course, I missed my boyfriend, but I was sure he would understand. 

"Ready?" Wally West stopped in front of me, holding out his hand for me. 

"Yes," I nod, standing up. 

There was one really big reason I hadn't told Damian about my secret mission, and it had something to do with the person standing in front of me. Damian and Wally have had this stupid rivalry ever since they met because Damian doesn't think Wally is ever serious and Wally thinks Damian is a prick. 

So this had to be on the down low. 

"Did you read through the mission?" Wally asked as he pushed the button to the elevator. 

"Yes," I nod. "It's a simple ball. We sneak in and place the bug and get out before anyone notices." I summarise the folder I just read.  

"You say it is easy, but we are breaking into the highest security mansion in the world. It's for the diplomate of one of the richest Russian families in the world." Wally said as he held the door open for me. 

"But we have something they don't," I smirked as the door closed. 

"What is that?" Wally looked confused. 

"Superpowers," I rolled my eyes at the obvious answers. 

"Oh," he nods in understanding. 

The rest of the way down we talked about the game plan and then I opened a portal to Central City. Then we went into our individual hotel rooms and changed into our ball gowns, knowing that the party was going to start in a few hours. 

I got dressed in a deep red dress that looked the color of red wine. I smirked, knowing that Damian would have loved seeing me in this color. And though I would rather be on his arm tonight, he is too much of a public figure for this mission. 

I pulled my hair up into a tight bun, brushing back all the stray hairs as I touched up my makeup. When I was ready, I walked over to the joining door and knocked to get Wally's attention. "Wally?" I called out. 

"Almost done!" He called back but I could hear the panic in his voice. 

"What is going on?" I asked. 

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