A Misunderstanding PT 2

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Damian's POV: 

The moment I saw the magazine, I was infuriated. I was out for my morning run with Titus when I stopped at a coffee stand to get Raven and me some coffee. That is when I saw the front headline of the paper. 

It was Raven and a Russian Embasitor's son making out for all of the world to see. 

With my anger building inside of me, I crumpled the paper in my hands. I tossed it behind me and then grabbed another, paid for it, and walked back to the tower with anger in each step. I needed proof if I wanted to confront Raven about this. 

I would never admit this out loud, but I was madly in love with her, and I had assumed she felt the same. But this was proof that she was just using me. She might be smart, but she was dumb enough to get caught. 

I was in my room when there was a light knock at my door. I knew it was Raven and rage instantly took over. I don't remember what I said, but I know it wasn't nice. I just stormed past her, not wanting to hear her lying excuses. 

I came to the workout room and started to sharpen my blade, trying to calm my nerves. I was doing that when Kori and Dick walked in. "How is it going, Damian?" Kori said with her cheerful smile. 

"It could be better," I mumbled in frustration as my time was being wasted. 

"What has you so upset?" Dick sat beside me, nudging my shoulder. I know he was trying to step up as my step-brother, but I wasn't having it today. I didn't want to talk to anyone, especially not him. 

"Nothing," I grumbled. 

"Did you and Raven have a chance to talk?" Kori placed her hand on my shoulder. 

"You knew?!" I stood up and pointed my sword at her. 

"Damian, chill," Dick jumped between us. "What is this about?" 

"You knew, and you lied? You should have told me about Raven. I deserved to know that my girlfriend was cheating on me," I growled, angered beyond words. I was sure my face was as red as the walls at this moment. 

"She didn't cheat," Kori shook her head. "Please tell me you waited for her to explain herself before you stormed out?" 

"What would she have to explain? How she has been cheating on me? I knew she was being secretive, but lying about a mission is another thing. And the only reason we are talking about it now is that she got caught," I grumbled. 

"She was on a mission," Kori stormed over and grabbed my arm strong enough to cause me pain. "And that man forced himself on her. It is all in her file, which you would have already hacked into if you were thinking straight." 

"What?" I stepped back, trying to understand everything. "What are you talking about." 

"Dick, get me your tablet," Kori ordered her boyfriend, her voice leaving no room for argument. 

"Here," he handed it to her. 

She tapped a couple of things in and then handed me the tablet to look at. It was the file. I glanced at it, reaching the redacted part. I typed in Dick's password (which I knew by heart) and it became clear. 

I read through her words. And I knew within seconds that she did not want that kiss. She wrote about how uncomfortable and exposed she felt, being attacked by this man. I could feel her pain through her words as she explained her side of the story. 

"Shit," I mumbled as I handed back the tablet. "I need to go." 

"What did you say to her?" Kori grabbed my hand. "Because I have been in this position before, and all she needs right now is for you to forgive her." 

"She is right," Dick nods. "Kori has been in this position before, and Raven will be feeling like this is all her fault. You need to make sure she understands that it isn't. That bastard attacked her, and she felt helpless because she couldn't use her powers to defend herself. She needs understanding." 

"I messed up," I looked at my brother, regret written all over my face. 

"You blamed her?" Kori said in shock. 

"I need to talk to her," I said, turning to leave the room. I didn't have time for any distractions, so I rushed past the others as I walked over to Raven's room. I knocked on the door but heard nothing. I knocked again before deciding to override the door lock. 

"Raven," I walked into her room, not finding her anywhere. 

I looked over at the bed, but it was well made. A second later and my eyes landed on a pile on the floor. Which was odd because Raven never had a messy room. So I walked over to investigate, noticing that Raven was wrapped in a blanket and hiding. 

"Raven," I knelt beside her and uncovered her face, seeing her red eyes with streaming tears. "Hey. Beloved, I am so sorry. Kori told me everything. I know how much of an ass I was being. It isn't your fault. I read your report, and I understand now. I am so so so sorry." 

She didn't respond. Instead, she closed her eyes as the tears streamed at a faster rate. This broke my heart as I knew I was the one to cause all of this. I picked her up in my arms and laid her on her bed. 

"Listen," I brushed back some stray hairs. "I am so sorry, and I wish I could have stopped what happened to you. And I wish I never said anything. I am so stupid." 

"I didn't mean to kiss him," she shook her head as words formed. "It was supposed to be me who set the bug but he insisted on talking to me. And even after the bug was planted, I couldn't get away."  

"I know now that you weren't cheating," I cupped her face. "I was a complete idiot." 

"Yes," she nods. "Yes, you were." 

"And I will spend the rest of my life making it up to you," I kissed her forehead. "But if you want me to, I will kill him for you. Make it look like an accident." 

"No," she shook her head. "That would cause too many problems. And your father would never understand why you would jeopardize yourself like that. It isn't worth it just for my sake."

"What everyone seems to forget is that I am a diplomate myself. I am from Nanda Parbat, remember?" I smirked, trying to ease some of the tension in the room. "And I would not mind killing him." 

"Damian," she placed her hand on my cheek. "Just shut up and hold me." 

"Of course, beloved." I smile down at her. 

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