Christmas Presents

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Raven's POV:

I was holding the tiny stick in my hands, reading it over and over again, praying that I was wrong. But this is my eighth test, and the result never changed.

I set the test on the counter, sliding to the floor. I hugged myself, trying, yet failing to comfort myself.

How could I be so stupid.

It was one night.


Three months ago, I was on an undercover mission with Damian. We were supposed to be a couple, all touchy feely, but we got caught up in all of it.

After a particularly exciting night at a night club, Damian and I went back to our hotel room tipsy. I didn't feel like going to bed, and Damian didn't show signs of it anyway.

I am not sure who kissed who first, but that led to the bed and then we spent the whole night in each others arms.

I woke up the next morning and instant regret filled my mind. I tried to move without waking the man beside me, but Damian shifted to face me.

"Morning," he groaned.

"Morning," I blushed, realizing that my breasts were pushed against his chest.

He seemed to notice, flinching away. He abruptly stood up, covering himself with his hands. "This... this was a mistake."

"Yeah," a sharp pain in my chest made me want to cry. But I wouldn't let myself all apart in front of him.

"Let's just forget about this," Damian's tone changed to ice cold.

I nod, looking down because I couldn't face Damian anymore. "I should go back to my room," I mumbled.

I wrapped the sheet around myself and walked to the adjoin door. I hesitated for just a moment, wanting to ask Damian what last night meant for him. But the way his tone is and how he wants to forget about everything says all I need to know.

I leave, closing the door behind me. I take a long shower, trying to block out my feelings and focus on the mission.


I take a deep breath, gathering myself. I stand to my feet and look at myself in the mirror. "Okay, I can do this. I am going to be a mother."

Just the words caused my heart to flutter. I knew I always wanted to be a mother, but I never saw it happening like this. But I knew, without a doubt that I already loved the baby growing inside of me.

I was going to do everything in my power to protect the baby. And that means leaving the team. I can't put the baby in danger for missions. I had to resign today.

I went back to my room and started to pack up my essentials. Thankfully for me, I can put all of my items in a black hole and only carry a bag with me.

The next thing I do is write out my official resignation letter for Kori, our team leader. I keep it short and sweet, and because I am over 18 I don't worry about her saying no. And if she does, I will be gone before then.

I seal the letter in an envelope and put Kori's name on it. Then I set it on the desk, opening a portal for myself.

I didn't know where to go, but I decided with a smaller town, not wanting to live in a city anymore.

I didn't have a lot of human money, but I did have gold and jewels that I could sell to start my new world.

A new world with my child.

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