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Raven's POV:

I woke up to the sun shining in from the windows. It lit up the room and filled it with more light, so I could really see the room better. Suddenly it hit me that I wasn't in my room, or even in Metropolis for that matter.

An arm was wrapped around my waist, holding me close to them. I turned over, careful not to wake the other person, just trying to get a glimpse to confirm my theory.

I was right. Last night was not just another one of those dreams. Instead, I was being pinned in bed by the man that is always in my dreams. He looked rather peaceful and calm, making me want to touch his face and confirm that this was all real.

I didn't though.

Instead, I carefully slipped out of his grasp and went to the bathroom. Looking at myself in the mirror, I had messy hair. I tried to comb it out with my fingers, but it really didn't seem to help. I started opening drawers, looking for a comb.

"What are you looking for?" A deep voice coaxed.

I turned around and saw Damian leaning against the frame of the bathroom door. I hadn't even heard him get up.

"I am looking for a comb," I answered, feeling out of place.

"Oh," He nodded, coming over to the left side of the sink and opening a drawer. He grabbed something and passed it to me. "I don't think you need it, but here."

I looked down and saw a comb in my hand. "Thank you." I nod and turn to the mirror. I brushed my hair, glancing at Damian who was behind me still.

He was watching me intently.

"What?" I turned to him and questioned.

"Nothing." He smirked.

"You are staring." I point the brush at him.

"Am I?" He steps closer. "I don't think I am." He takes another step closer.

"You are." I fold my arms.

He takes another step forward.

Then another.

Until he is right in front of me. I suck in my breath, trying to quiet my breathing so he couldn't tell how much being close to him affected me. Just being this close to him makes me lose control.

"What?" His breath hit my lips.

"Nothing," I say breathlessly.

He leans in, and I close my eyes, bracing for our lips to touch.


My eyes flash open and I jump back from Damian. He groans and tries to step closer again. "Ignore them." He says.

"No, someone is at the door." I shake my head.

"Let them wait." He leans forward again.

"No," I back myself against the wall. "You need to answer them."

"They will still be there when I am done." He whispers into my neck.

I let a moan escape my lips.

He brings his face up so he looks me in the eyes. A smirk grows on his face. Suddenly I am swept up, into his arms and he is carrying me into the other room. He drops me onto his bed and he climbs above me.

He bends down and is just about to kiss me when...


"UH!" Damian gets up off of me and he allows me to sit up. "I know. I know. I'll answer the door." He says, getting off the bed. He goes to the door and only opens it a crack. "WHAT!?" Damian barks.

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