Enchanted Castle Pt 2

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Raven's POV: 

The lunch was a very modest ordeal and didn't take as long. The conversation was open and Kori and Barbra tried to include me. It was very kind of them, and I was able to give some insight without sounding like I had already heard of those boring topics. 

"Raven, where does that name originate from?" Bruce said, interrupting the conversation. 

"My mother," I said, know my fake backstory inside out. "She had seen a Raven the day she found out she was pregnant with me and when my father left she was alone to find a name. It was the only one that she came up with." 

"Oh, how interesting," Barbra said. 

"I think that is just wonderful," Kori said. "Where is your mother now? Isn't she worried about you?" 

"She passed away 5 winters ago," I said, faking sadness. "She would be terrified to know that I was lost in the woods. She had warned me never to go alone." 

"Why is that?" The son named Jason asked. 

"She thought those woods were haunted." I shrugged. "I never believed it, but I never strayed too far so she wouldn't worry, but now that I have..." I said leading to the fact that I was in their home now. 

"Well, your mother was wrong about it being haunted, but we are blessed to have you in our home," Bruce said. 

"Thank you, Bruce?" I bowed my head. 

We finished the meal and Bruce got up to leave. That signaled to me that everyone was dismissed, so I stood up from my chair, but before I could push it in, someone else did it for me. I looked up to meet his eyes. 

"Allow me." He pushed it forward. 

"Thank you," I said in a whisper. 

He gave me his arm and I hesitated to take it, but when I saw no danger I placed my arm through his. He then leads me out the door and down a whole new hall of the castle that I had yet to be in. He gestured for the guards to open the doors to outside. 

When we walked out I looked around. There was what seems like miles and miles of green grass that spread all around us. The sun was shining and clear skies were all above me. I actually let a real smile out, unable to contain my joy in this beauty. 

"Do you like it out here?" Damian asked me. 

"Oh yes." I smile, looking at him, then realizing his face. "Sorry, your grace." I blushed. 

"Don't be." He nodded. 

I went silent and looked out around me once again. The grass was freshly cut and it smells amazing. That smell always brought me back to Sunday mornings when my father was busy and didn't require me to train. I would sneak out of the castle and hide in the meadow and watch the clouds form. 

"What are you thinking about?" He asked me, curiously. 

"I remembered when I was younger and would lay in the flowers to watch the sky. It was much like a day like this." I half lied, making it seem more believable. 

"Oh." He nodded. 

"Not to seem pushy or anything, but wouldn't adding another garden or at least some trees around here be more appealing for guests?" I suggested. 

"That would be true, except we use this land for our outdoor parties that we host. There are tents sent up all around and games to entertain." He said, leading us farther and farther away from the house. 

"Oh, that would make sense." I nod. 

"Would you be interested in attending one of those parties?" He asked. 

"I would if there were to be a party. And of course, if I was invited." I laughed at even the thought. 

"Then we shall hold one." He demanded. "In your honor as our guest." 

"No, there is no need to hold a party." I slipped my arm out of his.

"It is nothing. Father says that while you are here you shall be treated as any other guest and so we hold parties for our guests." He said, stepping closer to me. 

"I just don't want to be a bother. It would take a long time to plan the party and I am sure I will be well enough to leave by then." I shook my head. 

"It will take a day. The party will be ready by tomorrow and you will not be recovered enough for my father to believe you ready for taking your trip back home. Therefore I believe it is no problem at all to have a party in your honor tomorrow." He stated as if it was a fact. 

"No, really. That would be too much of a hassle." I said, trying to protest. 

"It is final. That plans are already in places and so it is done." He said, ending the conversation. 

I gave in, seeing no point in arguing any more on the subject. I sighed in defeat but turned my head back to the open grass. "What sort of games do you have?" 

"The men have archery and sword fighting while the women will be able to sailboats and cards." He said.

"Oh, wonderful." I nod. 

"Is there any games that you would like?" He asked, sensing my disappointment. I was only letting him see what I wanted him to, but I must admit that it was harder to maintain control around him. 

"Maybe a foot race," I suggested. "Two can tie their feet together and run." 

"Oh, wonderful. I will inform them of the game." He nodded. 

He offered me his arm once again, and I took it. We walked slowly, not saying a word. The silence was peaceful, and the air was energizing. We made our way up the steps and he gestured for the guards to open the doors for us. 

"Raven, this was a pleasant walk." He said to me. "I hope to do this again." 

"It was my pleasure." I bowed. 

He left me and I walked the opposite way than him, walking back to my room. When I got there there was a note on my bed. I walked over and opened it. 


Very good job. You are to stay in court and gain higher status with the Royal family. Get close enough to become a confidant and trusted member of their court. This is a longer mission and you must succeed. Wait for my word and I will write soon. 

Fair Well, 


The note vanished in thin air and I knew that my father had enchanted it with magical properties that only my eyes could read and it would burn itself once accomplished. Father was always using those sorts of notes, fearful of the letters getting into the wrong hands. 

I didn't have a clue what was the mission, but I had to stay and do as my father said. Gaining family confidence should not be too hard as long as I maintain my head. 

I nod with confidence. I can do this. 


Sorry about the last update and saying Tod and Jason. I had meant to say Tim Drake, but it was late at night and I miss writing it. Thank you all for reading. Enjoy!

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