Meeting The President

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Raven's POV:

This morning has been slow. Gar has been asking for everyone to go to the new circus in town. I couldn't care less, but the others seem to want to stay home and be lazy.

I was meditating in the small garden outside when I heard the rustle of leaves. The intruder's ora was excited. I couldn't understand where I had felt them from before.

"Hello there, beautiful." The voice sang as he came into view. I opened my eyes to see a boy, about the same age as me, with Superman's logo on his chest.

"Who are you?" I said, levitating to the ground. I didn't see the newcomer as a threat.

"Where are my manners?" he bowed to me. "I am the new Superman." He grabbed my hand and kissed it. "And who do I have the pleasure of speaking to?"

"I am Raven." I took my hand back. "You seem young for a new Superman."

"Age means nothing." He stood up, and I knew I hit a sore spot.

"What are you doing here?" I stood.

"I am here because the President wishes to have the Teen Titans as her bodyguard." He gave me a grin. "I am the President's personal bodyguard."

"Didn't she just have the Justice League as her bodyguards?" I asked, remembering it now.

"Yes, but for public image, she has chosen the Teen Titans as her new guards." He gave me his arm. "Might I escort you back to the tower?"

"Fine." I took his arm. "You will need to speak to Kori about all this. She is our team leader."

"Then I will do just that." He smiled down at me.

When we were walking back to the tower, the new "Superman" tried to make small talk. He was annoyingly charming. Right as we got up onto the main floor, he told a joke.

"What do you call the sun when he's had too much to drink?" He looked at me and I shrugged. "Moonshine!"

I couldn't help myself and just as the elevator door opened, I laughed. Everyone turned to look at us. My arm was still wrapped around his and we were both laughing.

When we stopped, Superboy (as I like to call him) released my arm and stepped forward. "Hello Teen Titans. I come here on behalf of the President. Might I speak with Kori?" He looked around for her.

Kori stepped forward and introduced herself. She then escorted him into a different room to talk. Gar came up to me.

"Who is that?" He gave me a look that I could not read.

"He is the president's bodyguard. He says he is the new Superman." I answered flatly. "What are you doing with your face, Gar?"

"I just think that maybe our Raven has a crush..." Gar smiled at me.

I punched him hard in the shoulder. Then I saw Damian stand up from the couch he was on. We looked at each other for a second before he turned away and stalked off.

What was his deal?

"I am sticking with my idea," Gar said, rubbing his arm.

"Gar," I looked at him. "Shut up."

He laughed and walked back to the couch and started playing his video games again. I turned and went to my room to finish meditating and tidy up a bit.

It was about an hour later before there was a knock on my door. I put down the books that I was carrying and opened the door. There stood Superboy.

"Raven, might I ask for a tour around the tower?" He smiled.

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