Beach Day

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Raven's POV:

I was sitting in the window seal of the living room in the Titan Tower. It was a warm summer day, and everyone was going out of their mind because of the heat. Beast Boy and Blue Beetle were playing video games (very violently might I add), while Starfire and Night Wing were eating ice cream and doing a puzzle. Damian was out of his mind because he was outside working out in the hundred-degree weather. 

I was quietly reading another novel under the air conditioner. It was peaceful, and yet when I looked out the window, my gaze couldn't help but fall onto Damian. Soon, I didn't even remember what I was reading.

It suddenly became very warm where I was sitting. I shifted back to my book, but I realized I couldn't focus. I closed the book and sighed. The summer heat was really getting to me. 

"I can't do this anymore." Beast Boy stood up and chucked his controller to the ground. "We need to get out of this tower. The heat has caused us to stay indoors for four days now and we all need to get out." 

"I agree." Blue Beetle said, standing up. "We need to get out and go somewhere." 

"Where?" Starfire asked. 

"The mall or movies?" Night Wing suggested. 

"How about the pool?" Beast Boy offered. 

"We could always go to the beach." Starfire stood up. "I heard that they sell popsicles and we could swim all we want." 

"I like that." Blue Beetle agreed. 

"I heard that they also have food trucks all around the beach!" Garfield said with a smile on his face. "I am in." 

"Raven?" Starfire asked for my opinion. 

"I could get out of the tower for a while." I agreed. 

"Then it is settled. I will ask Damian and everyone can get in their swimsuits." Night Wing stood up. "Leave in 30?" 

"Okay." We all agreed. 

I went to my room and rummaged through my closet. I didn't really go swimming that often so I only had two suits to choose from. Both of them I had gotten while shopping with Starfire. They weren't exactly my first choice, but they worked for swimming. 

I had a black and a white piece suit somewhere stashed in my closet, but the more I looked the harder it was to find anything. Finally, when I was about to lose hope I found my white suit. I didn't care any longer about the color so I quickly put it on and put my swim dress over it. 

I grabbed a book and a towel and put them in my bag and then grabbed some sunscreen (Sunscreen is important people) and headed out the door. 

"Ready Raven?" Starfire asked me. 

"Yes." I nod and walk with her to the living room. "I can teleport us all there if it is easier." I offer. 

"That would be wonderful." Star patted my shoulder. "Can you help me pack snacks?" 

"Sure." I nod and walk over to the kitchen with her. I grabbed everyone's favorite snacks while Star grabbed the drinks and soon we had a cooler filled to the brim with food. 

"Everyone ready?" Beast Boy said, bouncing with excitement. 

"I am." Blue Beetle said. 

"Me too." Starfire nodded. 

"Ready." Night Wing waved his hand. 

"Yep." I nod. 

"Yes," Damian said, being the last person in the room. 

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