Chapter 29

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"Alright. I have honestly had enough of this. What is wrong with you?" Astrea groaned out and Isabella stopped talking.

She had been acting weird all day, and it was already one in the after noon. Astrea watched all morning as her best friend was talking about her looks and ever thing that she didn't care about before.

Isabella sighed in defeat ad mumbled something under her breath but Astrea didn't catch it in time.

"Repeat that?"

"I said." Isabella started loudly. "Your brother said that he liked girls who would always dress to impress and wore make-up and all that type of shit and i honeslty just wanted to be good for him." She admitted, staring down at her now long pale pink acrylic nails.

"Your joking right?" Isabella just shook her head with a sad sigh.

"Bella, you know that my brother has the hots for you right? He was most probably joking when he said that." Astrea reasuured. "Tell me how everything went out."

"Ok... so yesterday we went out to the movies while you went shopping. That was kinda the reason why he came back 3 hours later when you guys were shopping. I was in the same mall too."

"And you couldn't some greet your best friend? I'm very disappointed Isabella Ford." Astrea dramatically butted in.

"Yeah. Sorry about that." Isabella sad sheepishly. "Ok so during the movie, we talked..."

"While the movie was playing?! Now that is disrespect to another level" she butted in again.

"I swear Astrea, if you don't shut your mouth right now. These acrylic nails are going down your throat." Isabella threatened. "Let me finish alright." Astrea nodded and Isabella continued.

"Sonwe talked about different things then we started joking around. For a few moments we were silent until he said "well I love girls who cake up their faces and wear to impress like princesses." And I really took that to heart, reason why we are here." Isabella concluded looking st the younger expectantly.

A few minutes went by and Astrea still hadn't said anything.

"Are you not going to say anything?" Isabella asked feeling a bit uncomfortable in the silence.

"Oh... I thought that I wasn't supposed to talk."

"I said you should let me finish first. I'm don't now so you can tall me your opinion."

"Oh... ok, so it was pretty obvious that he was still in the joking mood because girl my brother is mad only for you." Astrea told her. "There is no way that he likes girls like that because all he would talk about was how cool your style is and how proud he was that you weren't fake like some people on this planet. I'm sure he was just joking bacause today he looked distressed. He asked me to tell you to pick up your phone and answer his messages. If that isn't love then I don't know what is."

Astrea leaned back in her chair and let the people continue massaging her.

Isabella shook her head at how stupid she was taking all of this and looked up at the woman who had finished doing her nails.

"Could you make the nails shorter andpaint them black with some jewels on top?" She requested and the woman agreed after taking a picture of the nails Isabella currently had.

That's my girl. Astrea cheers in her mind.

They had to go out of the spa unfortunately but fortunately, they did go shopping.

"You what?!" Isabella asked in shock as they got out of the mall.

"Shh... dont make a lot of noise. People might hear. So we were looking at each other and i leaned up and kissed him on the mouth." Astrea told her. "We continued kissing and i so how ended up on the bed with him on top of me. I swear Isabella, we could've had sex and i wouldn't have a problem with it. Lucifer is a really good kisser."

Isabella still looked shocked.

Astrea kissed someone?!
Well Lord you have answered my prayers and he hopefully the guy is not an asshole. Isabella thought to herself as Astrea continued on telling her what happend as they got in the car and drove off.

"It was around 4 when they got home and Isabella pushed Astrea put of the car, yelling at her to get in and make herself look bomb for Lucifer.

Astrea swore that Isabella was secretly crazy.

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