Bubble x Snowball | Positivity

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This idea came from a subject we talked about in one of my classes and I hope you enjoy!
I did a really 'deep' speech in it and it inspired this sooo
Also a bit of a different format!
I just couldn't help myself!
Positivity AU
Please don't copy this AU it took me ageeeesssss to come up with

Third POV

She sat under the covers of her bright and colourful home
All the bricks locked together like the lines of a poem.
The walls were flooded with happiness, no sadness or despair.
Only love and hope and amazement would linger in the air.
At the start she prospered, colours filled the sky.
But now the feeling's boring and the walls begun to dry.
All the happy was useless since she felt it all the time.
She longed for something else, to fill the space of her mind.

The walls screamed with agony as the shadows all closed in.
He tugged at his scalp with all his might as the lights began to dim.
Anger, rage, sadness, guilt, all that he could feel.
Regret, fear, disgust, doubt, bubbled in his meals.
He wished for a source of light in his life, a signal from the sun.
But rather the clouds covered her up and all they'd do was shun.
He wished to feel something else, something good not bad.
He wished for the complete opposite of all he ever had.

The door swung open to a brand new place where both could start anew.
They walked and walked for hours until something entered their view.
Something bright, something dark, something different to them.
They decided to try and meet each other, to make a brand new friend.
An interaction, something new, to both who had never met.
One felt sudden sadness, another lost their breath
Something new was happening, they both felt something else!
They swapped and taught the other of what they'd learnt themselves.

Monsters and demons with sharp teeth and claws,
Fairies and kittens with whispers for roars.
Both may be different but both were the same.
Holding their hand made only love to blame.
A new feeling evoked, something neither had felt before.
Feeling this new feeling opened so many brand new doors!
So they broke their hideouts down and they put together the bricks.
The final one slipped in place with a gentle and soft click!

They held their hand outside the door of their brand new special home.
"Will this give me something new? To allow my mind to roam?"
The tall boy shook his head and grabbed her hand tighter.
"This is our world where your weights will be  a little bit lighter."
She lightly giggled and her hair flowed like a flower in the wind.
He laughed along and his laugh was hearty like a kings.
They smiled with happiness and tears dripped from their eyes.
This would be the paradise where they'd be spending the rest of their lives.

Omg poetry makes me finish everything too fast
Surprise upload I guess!
Yes poetry is a huge forte for me
To many peoples surprise I really enjoy poetry so writing this was fun!
I may do more of this if you really enjoyed it :)
Did I write this all in under a day?
Are you proud of me OwO
Also thank you to CreatorEm for giving me some encouragement!
Reading that at 11:30pm sure did make me smile a lot :)
So thanks aaaaannnnndddd
See you later guys, gals and non-binary pals!
Peace out!

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