Fubble | Perfect in my eyes

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I love this ship.
This Oneshot contains cutting, self hate, anorexia and bullying.

Bubble's POV

I'm so done with all this.
Match and Pencil- well mostly Pencil's bullying. How they make me feel ashamed of myself. I laughed to myself at the thought. I looked in the mirror where I saw a much too chubby reflection of me. Guess I'll have to go on another 'diet' again.

I sighed and picked up my razor from my cabinet. I didn't care about hiding it since no one really comes here anyways. I began slicing my stupidly sensitive skin up. I hated being so sensitive all the time. It made messing with people a lot more dangerous.

I felt tears slide down my cheeks at around three cuts. I scoffed at my sensitivity and continued to make cuts. By the time I was done, my sink looked like a murder scene. A small laugh escaped my mouth at the thought of death.

Maybe... I could- No Bubble don't think those thoughts! You're meant to be happy! But what's the point if I'm not happy? I sunk to the floor and hugged my bruised knees. Loud sobbing echoed through the empty halls of my lifelong home.

I hated everything right now. From my long gone parents to the Earth I'm standing on. It's like no one likes me. "I-Ioim trying my boist!" (I'm trying my best) I screamed with sadness lacing my wavering voice. Blood stained my light blue sweater but I didn't care. I didn't care anymore. I didn't care about a single thing- Ring! Ring! Ring!

I stumbled into my room sadly and grasped my phone tightly out of anxiousness. I stared at the lock screen. Fanny. She's my only real friend these days. She has a hateful attitude but I think she doesn't hate me. I hope she doesn't hate me... I snapped out of it and watched my phone buzz.

If I didn't pick up, she'd get worried but if I did, she'd notice my voice. I shrugged and picked up. "Hey Bubble." I sniffled. "H-Hoi Foinny..." I tried to cover up the fact that I was previously crying but it didn't seem to work.

"What's wrong Bubble? Are you okay?" I was shocked at the response. I was expecting her to get mad at me but she had a full on change in personality. "I-Ioim foine Fanny." (I'm fine Fanny.) She didn't seem satisfied with the answer.

"Bubble I know you're lying. You don't have to bottle up your emotions! There are people who care about you Bubble, and one of those many, many people is me." I smiled, not a fake but a genuine one. "That reoilly toiched my heart Foinny..." (that really touched my heart Fanny)

I felt my eyes well up as I looked at my scarred arms. I'm so oblivious. How could I not notice that the protective, kind Fanny that I fell in love with cared about me... Tears flowed down my fragile face as I heard Fanny panicking on the other line.

"I'm coming to your place Bubble, okay?" I was shocked. She couldn't see me like this! Not now! "Okoiy." (Okay.) What! Why did I- Oh whatever. I walked back into the bathroom and washed the blood down the sink.

I sighed and placed my clean razor in my pocket. Just in case! My scars were exposed so I pulled my sleeves down, forgetting completely about the bloodstain I had on my sweater. I tried to calm down my crying because Snowball told me that if I did I'd be even more of a wimp.

However, the tears kept falling down my face. As I tried to wipe them away, there was a knock on the door. "T-The door's open!" I shouted, still attempting to wipe away the tears. It was a futile attempt how ever as I started crying even more.

I felt someone run to my side and hug me as I cried into their jumper. "Shhh... It's okay Bubble... You're alright..." Their words calmed me down as I solemnly looked up at them. I smiled when I realised it was Fanny cradling me and whispering words of comfort.

"What's on your sweater Bubble?" I froze. Oh no, oh no, oh no! I completely forgot about the bloodstain! I nervously smiled and let out a weak giggle. "K-Ketchuoip?" She looked at me expectantly and sighed when I didn't say anything.

She quickly grabbed my arm before I could think. I struggled as she pulled up my sleeve to see the many fresh cuts I had made. She looked shocked as I looked away in shame. I felt so stupid. My tears flowed down even faster than before yet my sobs were almost silent.

"B-Bubble... Why?" She looked at me with pleading eyes. More tears fled from my eyes as I pulled away my hand and rolled down my sleeves. "Yiou wouildn't understand!" I shouted before I could think. She looked at me with empty eyes as I covered my mouth in shock of my own words.

Before I knew it I was crying again. "N-Noboidy loikes me! Match, Pencil, Snowboial, Icy and Leafy all hate me! Everyone hates me!" I ranted. To my surprise, Fanny looked at me with teary yet angry eyes. "I hate that you think that Bubble!" She stated angrily.

I sighed, looking down in shame. "Because I hate everyone but you!" She shouted her red cheeks contrasting with her blue jumper. I smiled genuinely at her, my cheeks becoming even more flushed. "You mean a whole lot to me Bubble and I hate that you don't know that! I-I...

"I love you Bubble!"

Wow this took me ages...
This was originally meant to be a vent but like it's not now. Soooooooooooo yeeeeeaaaaaaaaaah

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