Blocky x Woody - i'll make a cup of coffee for your head

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these two are fun to write tbh
i can make it fluffy or i can not
so fun

but this was requested fluff soooo

3rd POV

"Wah wah wah wah wah!"

"Yeah, that's right! Good job."

Woody smiled at the compliment, holding out another carrot for the horse to chew on. He had travelled to his boyfriend's farm, and the two were going over what not to feed the animals. Woody was enamoured with Blocky's range of knowledge in this field, just as he was enamoured with Blocky.

"Anyways, wanna go meet the ducks? I'm sure they'll be excited to meet you."

Woody nodded eagerly, prompting Blocky to chuckle and ruffle his hair. The brown haired boy grabbed his boyfriend's hand, and promptly began making his way to the lake.

"Wah wah."

"Oh? Don't people normally feed them bread?"

"Wah. Wah wah wah wah wah wah."

"Oh jeez, I didn't think about that."

Blocky gently set down the loaf of bread he brought with them, instead rifling through the picnic basket for something else.

"Wah, wah wah wah!"



"Alright! Grapes it is!"

Blocky hoisted out the bag of grapes he brought along, grabbing a handful and heading to the banks of the lake. Woody hesitantly followed along, his fear of slipping looming over his actions. He eventually settled on sitting a bit further away from the bank, on the softer parts of grass.

He hated how he couldn't do things the same way his boyfriend could, but Blocky always assured him that it was fine, so he supposed it could be. He gently took a strand of grass into his hands, twirling it before letting it go. He frowned a little, but lost any sense of worry when he spotted a butterfly. It fluttered about gracefully, leaving Woody awestruck and dazed. With a couple dainty flaps, it eventually landed on Woody's arm, taking a second or two to settle. Woody froze in fear. Was it going to kill him, or eat him? Would it harvest his organs, or suck out all his blood? He gulped.

"Wait! Stay juuuust like that!"

Blocky's voice intervened as he got out his camera, going onto a knee and angling the device. Seeing the excitement on his boyfriend's face, Woody couldn't help but smile a little. If Blocky was so calm, why shouldn't he be? A soft click echoed through the ambience of day, and Blocky gave him a thumbs up as a signal that he could move. Instead, the butterfly moved from its perch, fluttering into a tree not too far off.

"Hey, that would be a pretty neat place to set up our picnic. Wanna head over?"

Woody nodded and took Blocky's hand, gasping quietly as he was lifted up. Their hands remained intertwined as they walked as Woody watched the area with wonder.

"My mom and dad were thinking of building something out here, but I convinced them not to because of the pretty trees and animal homes. I think it was a great decision."

"Wah wah!"

Blocky smiled at Woody's response, the two of them sitting down and setting out the picnic gear.

"Y'know, I enjoy spending moments like these with you. Just us two, out in the open, enjoying life."

Woody smiled, tracing a heart on Blocky's palm.

"Wah wah wah wah wah."

"The ducks are harmless, Woody. It's the geese you should be fearing."

He pointed to a black goose wandering along the shore, honking loudly and frightening the ducks. Woody concluded he didn't like the goose after that, and Blocky only laughed when he followed Woody's glare.

"Don't provoke it, I don't want our picnic getting ruined."

Woody immediately snapped his attention back to his boyfriend, nodding sincerely and linking their hands.

"Wanna start on those sandwiches?"

Woody nodded again, shifting slightly so that Blocky could access the picnic basket. Softly humming, the red-haired boy got out two cloth covered sandwiches.

"I made chicken and lettuce, your favourite."

'Wah wah wah wah wah!"

Woody kissed Blocky's cheek, before munching happily on his sandwich.

"I love you too, little guy."


this was a bit hard to get through, and i'm not sure why

but i got through it, so i think that counts for something!
sorry its not too long
also the goose story is based off something that happened at camp, editor would know


till next time homies and bromies

see ya!

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