Lightbrush | Sunset

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My own idea

Paintbrush's POV
I fell on my bed. I was so tired. Fan forced me to go around 'analysing' objects in the the hotel with him so he could post stuff on his blog. I was glad it was all over though.

Baxter waddled up to me, brushing my bristles in the process. Baxter reminds me of how much I miss Lightbulb. I let Baxter crawl into my hands and I carefully placed him in my bristles. "Let's go on an adventure Baxter!" I exclaimed.

I walked over to a cliff that Balloon told me was a great way to get away from everything. Baxter seemed to like the view as I sat down. It was getting closer to evening and the sun was going to set soon.

I took Baxter out of my bristles and set him down beside me. "I wish Lightbulb was here..." I mumbled. Baxter looked down. He must miss Lightbulb too. "Wish granted!" I heard someone reply.

I looked back to see the one and only Lightbulb standing there. "Lightbulb!" I shouted picking up Baxter and running up to her. "Painty!" She exclaimed as I picked her up and hugged her tightly.

She giggled as she hugged back. "I missed you so much!" We both spoke in unison. Baxter trotted on to Lightbulb's head and sat down. "Baxter! I'm so happy to see you again!" I giggled as she tightly hugged him.

She sat next to me at the edge of the cliff. I had so much to tell her! So much we had to catch up on! But nothing is greater than sitting in a comfortable silence with your best friend as a form of catching up. Till something came to my mind.

I longingly stared at the photo of Lightbulb and I. She's so sweet and pretty! I wish I could see her again... "Watcha looking at Painty?" I angrily turned around to see Fan typing something on his phone whilst watching me (somehow...)

"What's it to you?" I rudely replied. He laughed typing something on that 'blog' of his. "No seriously I want to know!" He said in a more interested manner. "I was looking at a photo of Lightbulb and I because I miss her." I plainly stated later realising how dumb I sounded.

"You sure you don't love her~?" He asked putting emphasis on the word love. My 'cheeks' flared a bright shade of red. "N-No of course not!" I snapped at him. "Tch... tsundere much..." he mumbled. "But it's kinda obvious that you have a thing for Lightbulb." I growled.

"And it's kinda obvious that you like Test Tube! Plus only Lightbulb gets to call me Painty." He hid his face in his hands. "I do not!" I laughed.

(End of flashback)

Do I love Lightbulb? I looked at her as sunlight reflected of her bulb. I felt my face get warmer. Yes I definitely do. The sun began to set. Now is the time. "Lightbulb I have something to tell you." I blurted out.

She looked over at me. She had a look of innocent curiosity on her face. "What is it Painty?" I smiled at the nickname. "Well ummm... I-I kinda... didn't think on how to phrase this?" She giggled

"Painty! Don't worry about phrasing silly! Just say what you wanna say in any way you think is easy!" I looked at her to see her bright smile directed at me in a reassuring way. "Well... then... I love you Lightbulb..."

She looked at me as I hid my face. She began laughing. "Painty! I'm so happy you feel the same!!!" I looked at her in shock. "W-What?" I was cut off by a tight hug from Lightbulb. She looked at me with a almost completely red bulb.

"I love you too Painty..."

Wow this reminds me of a relationship I have with my friend cuz they're non-binary and so is Paintbrush! Plus we say I love you to each other a lot but then we say no homo.

'It's not gay if you say no homo.'
Quote of the century...
See ya!

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