Book x Lollipop | My Masterpiece

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Ayyyy I'm back with the requests!
Puppet AU
Ooo a new change up .O.

Lollipop's POV

It's done. It's finally done. My hard work gifted me with a one of a kind creation. I can prove them wrong. I won't be known as 'Lollipop the Crazy Lady' but rather, 'Lollipop the Genius.' I caressed the cheek of my puppet. "You're beautiful. You'll prove them wrong. Won't you?" I made sure the strings were securely attached and tapped the button on her neck.

"Book. Powering on." It was about to happen! I had finally created AI that can do anything a human can! All that was different was the strings. If I took off the strings, she would lose herself. I can't let that happen. Her black voids of eyes suddenly sparked to life, emitting a stunning display of blue and green. "Hello there! My name is Book! What is yours?" I smiled with pride and happiness. "My name is Lollipop and I made you."

She looked at herself momentarily before noticing the strings. "Well I'm happy to be here, so thank you!" She gave me a bright smile. I felt my face grow hot. Probably just excitement. I took her hand and guided her down the steps. The strings would allow her to go anywhere in the room but nowhere further. "I'd love to get to know you Lollipop! Can you tell me something about you?" I thought for a moment.

"I'm a mechanic and I adore vintage. Oh! I love writing and drawing." Book nodded and smiled. "You should show me something sometime! You seem like a great artist!" I flushed. "As if, I'm not nearly as good as the professionals." She rolled her eyes and got up. She sorted through the papers on my desk before finding a recent scribble of my friends and I. "Woah! This is amazing!" I blushed slightly. "Well it's really nothing, just a sketch." She placed it back on the table and hopped to me. "Can you draw me?" I smiled and got up. "I don't see why not."

Sitting down at my table, I picked up the pen and began to draw. Book's eyes followed the lines my pen drew with awe. "Here." I handed her the finished drawing. She gasped and smiled childishly. "I love it! Thank you Lollipop!" I smiled softly back. "Don't worry about it." She took some more time to wander around the room and analyse anything she came in contact with. She'd ask me questions and I'd answer which would only provoke more.

For once I felt... Useful. To others, I was nothing more than an extra bit of reputation or a side prop, but to Book... I was someone. I felt a smile adorn my face. No, not a smug one, but a happy one. I was happy. Book looked back and gave me a bright smile. "Thank you for letting me look around Lolli!" I told her it was nothing and we sat and talked for a bit longer.

Eventually the day drew to an end just like a drawing and we had to say our goodbyes. "Goodnight Book." She hugged the teddy bear I had gifted to her. "Goodnight!"

Tomorrow I'd show them all.


"Wow, you actually went through with it." Taco chuckled when she saw Book. Teardrop smiled and waved at Book, she obviously waved back. Gaty and Saw gave her a smile before going back to discussing things. We all had our fun. Book learned how to communicate with Teardrop and they had a wonderful conversation. Taco made small talk while Gaty and Saw talked about everything they could.

"Today was amazing!" I giggled at her excitement. "I'm glad to hear that Book." I turned off the lights and exited the room. Going into my own bedroom, I sat at my drawing desk. A guilty pleasure it was, I enjoyed drawing my creation. In dresses, in flowers, in any way I wanted to. My cheeks heated up as I painted her green and blue eyes. Tonight was going to be a long night.


Book's POV

I woke up early next morning. Something felt... Off. I stretched a bit and trotted down the stairs. I sat on the cold metal floor and sighed. Lollipop would usually activate me at this time. What even was the time? I glanced at the clock on the wall. 3:57 am. Wait... did I turn my self on? No way. The process was manual. "Took you a moment." I looked back.

"I-It's you!"

Lollipop's POV

I woke up at the sound of my alarm and shut it off briefly. Another day. I got prepared and went to Book's- I mean my work room. "Book? Are you in here?" I was surprised to hear a response. "Hi Lolli!" She can't turn herself on. It wasn't in her programming. Something was clearly wrong. "Did you wake yourself up?" She shrugged.

"Well maybe today we can lay down and-" The colours drained from Books eyes and she appeared almost lifeless. "Book! What happened?" I sat beside her and caressed her cold metal cheeks. "Nothing's wrong at all." I snapped a few times. Nothing. "I-I didn't program this I swear! What was the command word?" She looked around rather impatiently. "Down."

I thought of something quick. "Well uh, up!" Her eyes flooded with colour once more. I sat at my desk. "I didn't program it, I swear." Was all I could say. I grasped a pencil in my hand and threw around all the blueprints. "Lolli, you uh..." I ignored her and continued looking. My stress was increasing by the second. "Lollipop please-!"


I looked over to my left palm to see blood dripping from shards of my now broken pencil. "I need to stop doing this," I mumbled, "I don't wanna get back into those tendencies." I looked over to Book. "Do... Do you think you could get the First Aid Kit?" She nodded and grabbed it from a shelf. It took a while but we eventually fixed up my hand.

"Why did you even care so much Book? It's nothing new for me. I never programmed you to be so... so... kind..." She smiled. She giggled softly. The giggles turned into laughs. "I thought it was obvious Lolli!" I tilted my head in confusion. She pecked my cheek.

"I love you!"

Yaaaaay I'm not dead
Guess who's back by unpopular demand?
I've just had a lot going on and finishing these off feel really rewarding
So I'm still finishing two more requests
And I miiiight slip in one of my own
Ya never know
So I hope you enjoyed this
Please don't rush me
I'm struggling to do anything
And I have the attention span of a rock
So yeah
See ya later guys, gals and non-binary pals!
Peace out!

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