Gelanut | Cherry Blossoms

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Requested by TheCamiCandel
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Gelanut is like my relationship with all my friends lol
I'm Donut btw -_-
High school AU (again I know I'm sorry!)
Gelatin's POV
The pencil spun in between my index finger and thumb as I waited for the teacher to finish her 'mature' temper tantrum also referred to as a 'lecture'. I sighed with relief as she finally dismissed us with the exception of Foldy and Stapy.

I gathered my books and skipped out the classroom in the direction of my locker. I shoved my belongings inside and skipped to the other side of the hallway where Donut's locker was. I heard a long sigh as I skipped towards him.

"Heya Donut!" I beamed with glee. "Good morning Gelatin." He spoke in a more professional manner. I waited for him to lock up before we departed to our normal lunch table. The table consisted of Puffball, Fries, Foldy, Stapy, Marker, Donut and I.

However when we reached, no one else was there. "Do you wanna head to the courtyard instead?" I looked up at Donut and nodded. We both walked out to the courtyard and sat under the shade of a cherry blossom tree.

I was mesmerised by the elegance of the blossoms as they feel. Gracefully gliding until they landed softly on the ground. There was rumours that if you were accepted in a confession under the blossoms, you would live happily together forever.

I just happened to have my eyes on someone though. I looked at Donut as he read a large book about poetry. Sure me and Donut are opposites, but I think that's why I love him. I closed my eyes and leaned on his shoulder. He didn't seem to mind.

I smiled as I opened my eyes to see a blossom land in his book. He picked it up and placed it beside another blossom. Donut was so smart and precise when it came to doing things. I gasped when I felt him wrap his arm around me and pull me close.

I was unbelievably tempted to snuggle into his but resisted as he might've thought I was strange. "Hey Gelatin?" I looked up at his lens covered eyes to show him I was listening. To my surprise, he placed a gentle kiss on my forehead.

I blushed profusely at the action. "Maybe you should stop mumbling everything you think Gelatin. It's not gonna benefit you in the future unlike it has now." I felt my face flush with embarrassment at his comment. Did I really say all that stuff out loud?

"Yes you did Gelatin." I groaned and hid my face in his jacket. He laughed and pecked my forehead again. "S-so are we dating now?"
I asked timidly. He laughed and pulled me even closer. "If that's what you want then date we shall."

"I'd like that..."

Sorry it's short :/
I hope this is okay reeeeeeeeeeeeeee I might not post as often because I have school ;-; so yeaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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