Fan x Suitcase | My Everything

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Requested by TheTF2niverse
Sorry I couldn't find any fan art
I only heard of this ship when you requested but let me be honest I can see this happening!
It's cute too!
But I see what you mean when it comes to your view of Two
Emotions AU
I saw this on Tik Tok lol


Fan's POV

I sighed as the phone continued to vibrate. I couldn't deal with any of this anymore. Not too long ago I locked myself in my room to try and keep out all the stress but it just kept piling up on me. It was making me sick. Oh, you probably don't know what I'm talking about but let me get you in on the loop.

Basically, when you're born you are given the default emotions. They aren't that strong or anything, just enough to make you feel something. However, when you turn 16, one of your emotions will gain strength. It makes you feel more when it comes to that emotion.

When you turn 18 though, things get a little bit different. You get your destined soulmates emotion strength. It's really complicated but that's all that really happens. Right now you are witnessing what I like to call my emotional weakness, sadness.

I was one of the unlucky ones who was given sadness as their strength. Which is why I call mine a weakness, the reason I did home schooling from16 onwards. However, my 18th birthday is in a few days and I'm so excited! That was a lie I can only be sorta excited. I'm more sad that another year has left my life, wasted. Then again, such is life.

I sighed as my blogging was interrupted by another phone call from Test Tube. I waited for it to stop and continued writing. I groaned as I was interrupted by a knock on the door. I went up to it and looked through the peephole. Test Tube and Suitcase stood outside.

Test Tube and I were best friends but I felt something a whole lot different for Suitcase. It was like happiness but so much more. I didn't understand it. It was like all the sadness washed away, Which wasn't very normal. Should I open the door? The thought swirled in my head like a huge whirlpool.

No, they'll see you and hate you. I took a deep breath and collapsed on my bed, crying. I hated my emotion so much! I shouldn't be worried though, my birthday's in four days! Maybe I can invite my friends? We'll see. I got out my Mephone and got back to blogging.


Tomorrow was my birthday. I decided to invite my close friends. This group consisted of Paintbrush, Lightbulb, Test Tube and Suitcase. Sure, I didn't invite many people. I didn't want to invite too many though. I sent out the text.


My birthday is in 2 hours. In an hour everyone's going to arrive. The anticipation was gripping me from every angle and tried to pull me down. However, I stood tall. Time to procrastinate the way I do it best! Crying!


I wiped my eyes as I heard a knock on the door. I quickly answered it to see Suitcase standing there in a brown dress with yellow accents. She looked stunning. She held a small bag with what seemed to be a gift inside. "Oh my! Fan are you okay?" I nodded with a small smile, trying to wipe away the tear marks.

She smiled and hugged me tightly. "I missed you a lot Fan..." I hugged her back. "I missed you too..." Suitcases emotion was love or care as some people called it. She was very great at looking after people! I smiled as another knock came not long after. I opened the door to see Test Tube, Lightbulb and Paintbrush.

After catching up a bit, everything felt like before! Just spending our time hanging out and doing whatever. However, during a conversation about who was the best host in a reality show, I felt something bloom within me. It seems everyone noticed because they all looked at me with smiles. Everyone was older than me except Suitcase here, her birthday's in June.

Suddenly, everything meant so much to me. Especially Suitcase. Is this the feeling? Everything seemed just so worth it all of sudden. It was something I wasn't used to at all. I felt my eyes begin to tear up. "Oh golly! Is it another sad emotion?" I shook my head with a smile. "I-I feel... I-I wanna h-hug everything!"

I wiped away my tears and gave Test Tube a tight hug. I lightly giggled as I moved onto Paintbrush then Lightbulb. It felt so wonderful and amazing. I smiled and hugged Suitcase. "I think I know what his emotional strength is..." She seemed sure and hugged me back.

"Well what is it then?" Yeast Tube asked while pulling out a note book from seemingly nowhere. "It's love... Just like my emotional strength..." Test Tube froze up and dropped her notebook. Her gaze went back and forth between us. "Are you two soulmates..?" I felt my face heavily heat up.

Suddenly that feeling that washed away all the sadness came back but even stronger. Was this love? "T-There's always the chance I mean-" Suitcase was abruptly cut off by Lightbulb. "You should try it! You two should kiss! That's how I found out my soulmate!" She gave a soft but loving gaze to Paintbrush.

Okay, I think I forgot to mention something. When soulmates kiss, a small heart that is your soulmate's favourite colour appears on you left ring finger. It's technically a way to find out who your soulmate is. Lightbulb had a dare to kiss Paintbrush and when she did they both got a heart. That's how she found her soulmate.

I sighed and looked at Suitcase. She seemed really embarrassed in a way I couldn't comprehend. It made me feel so useless. Suddenly, tears started brimming my eyes. Oh gosh not here not now- I felt the tears finally slip down my face and I ran into the bathroom. Attempting to wipe away the tears only made it worse.

"Fan! Are you okay? We don't have to kiss if you don't want to!" It was no use, I still kept crying. Not long after, Suitcase realised the door was unlocked and ran to my side. "Hey Fan? Don't worry, we don't have to do anything you don't want to..." Now's my chance!

I lightly pecked her on the lips and hid in my sweater. I was surprised when I felt a light tingle on my ring finger. I lifted down my disguise only to see a light yellow heart on my left ring finger. Suitcase was shocked too. She had a pastel red heart on her's. To my surprise she gave a light smile with a slight blush.

"So you really are my soulmate? I'm so glad!" I was shocked at this point. "B-But how could you be happy to have a lowlife like me as your soulmate..." She sighed and tightly hugged me. I felt tears bloom in my eyes as I hugged back. "I thought I was giving you enough hints but I guess not... I thought it was really obvious Fan...

"I'm in love with you..."

Yay I finished it!
Woop woop here's a chapter for ya!
Hope you liked this little itsy bitsy change in stuff!
Now onto working on the next request!
I'm soooo tired ;-;
I'm writing like two other oneshots so yeah.
One is a request the other is just for fun.
So umm I guess I'll just end it here...
See ya later guys, gals and non-binary pals!
Peace out!

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