Trophy x Cheesy - i wish i could live without you/but you're a part of me

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i was struggling to think of stuff to write for this one when i remembered i literally wrote a comedy gold fic for a national test thing a while back
i don't have the original, but i'm gonna rewrite it anyway cuz i liked it
also for editor's reference, i'm mixing that one thing i wrote in my english homework here too
also also also, i made art for this chapter! let's hope i don't forget to put it in :)
i didn't, past me :)

Chester - Cheesy
Troy - Trophy
Sienna - Soap
Mira - Microphone
Lillian - Lightbulb
Parker - Paintbrush
Teaghan - Test Tube
Francis - Fan
Pierre - Paper
Bennett - Baseball
Nikhil - Nickel (it's an Indian name pronounced similarly to Nickel haha)
Brian - Balloon
Sunny - Suitcase
OJ - OJ (i'm so creative i know)


This oneshot contains:

Swearing (and it ain't censored this time)


Injury (but they're not too bad i think)

Chester's POV

"It's fine, Chester."

"I dunno..."

"Can we just go find her already?"

Mira tapped her foot impatiently. I watched her, nervous. Mira was short-tempered – I'd realised that a while ago. It was honestly miraculous that she was still trying to help me.

My eyes fell to the love note again. Right, she was here for a reason...

"What if it's not good enough?"

"It's fine, Chester."

I winced at her increase in volume, which was something she quickly apologised for. She was known for the volume of her voice, and I was known for my issues with loud noises. We were a strange pairing, and we were aware of it.

"Aha! I found another grammatical error! It really wasn't ready!"

Mira groaned, pulling at her face as I quickly corrected the mistake. She hated waiting, and she hated my obsession with English. Who could blame me though? It was my best subject!

"Chester, I organised to meet up with Sienna this break. If you don't hurry up, I'm leaving."

"You can go, you can go! I'll finish this and come find you guys."

Mira raised an eyebrow, but didn't object. With a huff, she snatched up her laptop satchel and left the classroom. I was alone.

To be frank, I didn't think she was going to up and leave like that – but I should've expected it. This is Mira after all. I kept rereading my note nervously. That was till the classroom door opened. It was Lillian; one of the house captains.

"Yo, yo, yo, Cheese-man." (I still don't know why she calls me that). "What's got you lookin' all down in the dumps?"

"Uh, hi Lilian, and it's nothing..."

She raised an eyebrow, skipping over to the desk.

"Doesn't look like nothing", she said, eyeing the note suspiciously.

I subconsciously covered the words on the paper as she did. There was really no point in me hiding this; she would find some way to discover what it says.

"It's uh, it's a love note."

Her face immediately brightened at that, and with zero hesitation, she snatched the note from my hands.

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