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heeeeey guys
so i'm back from my out of the blue mini hiatus, and "why," you may be asking, "why did you even go on this hiatus to begin with vee?"

well see, i don't wanna be that guy who bothers you all with excuses but life has genuinely been really hard for me as of late.
i recently fell into an awful depressive episode and pairing that with moving schools was not working out very well for me!!
its been hard, like REALLY hard, but i'm alive and i think that's what really counts.

'so,' you're probably thinking, 'what now?'

well, i'm dumping the requests indefinitely (meaning for an unknown amount of time).
why? well i think i need to get back on my feet again, and the last time i was writing i was coming out of burnout, so i really just need a break from it all.

i do hope you all understand, and with the publishing of this update will come a oneshot which i hope you all enjoy!

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